Motivational Movies for entrepreneurs


Are you an entrepreneur who also loves movies? Here are some Motivational Movies for entrepreneurs that you should see! Movies that inspire change of perspective, change of heart, and change of mind are those that transcend their entertainment value. We’ve gathered some of our favorite motivational movies to offer you a purposeful distraction during this current – and worsening – economic downturn, to remind you that pessimism is defeatable. These are the best movies for entrepreneurs that chronicle inspiring stories of overcoming obstacles and working long hours, providing a reminder that it can all be worthwhile despite the many obstacles and long hours put in. We have an impressive selection of movies to help you learn life lessons to become an entrepreneur of tomorrow, so get comfortable and prepare to binge. In addition to the usual inspiration we tap into as entrepreneurs from time to time, why not take a break and watch a thought-provoking movie?

The Social Network

The Social Network — Sorkin, Structure, and Collaboration - YouTube

Film director David Fincher tells the story of how Facebook was launched by Mark Zuckerberg while he was still studying at Harvard. Two brothers who claimed he stole their idea later sued him and his best friend was ousted from the company. Mark Zuckerberg describes how he turned an ambitious startup into the world’s largest social networking site, Facebook. This movie provides an all-too-familiar glimpse of startup life, showing how Zuckerberg’s competitive spirit allows him to overcome painful legal problems and financial barriers. Entrepreneurs will enjoy The Social Network since it explains what can happen if you act unintentionally and make enemies along the way. A successful entrepreneur must know when to stand up for their own ideas and when to adapt the product to other people’s needs, instead of letting others dictate the design.

The Pursuit of Happyness

THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS | Sony Pictures Entertainment

Chris Gardner’s incredible life story is the subject of Will Smith’s film The Pursuit of Happyness. An entrepreneur’s dream movie, the plotline follows Chris, an American who has hit rock bottom, losing his job, life earnings, house and wife with only a blink of an eye. Meanwhile, Chris must take care of his son, living in shelters and subway toilets, in order to survive, while also juggling a grueling internship to gain a chance at becoming a stockbroker. Chris’ drive for success, positive mindset, and strong work ethic, even during the most difficult of times, are something we can all learn from in this biographical drama. Sometimes the world seems to work against you and it can seem as if life has unpredictable turns. However, it’s how we rise to the challenge that defines who we are.

Pirates of Silicon Valley

In tracing the rise of the personal computer and the rivalry between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, the two tech titans that ignited the digital revolution, the book documents the rise of both technologies. The film is an examination of the dark realities which pervade the business world, such as intellectual theft, toxic egotism, and manipulative tactics. A portrait of their journey from humble beginnings in 1971 to Jobs’ return to Apple in 1997 (and Gates’ new financial partnership! ), this book traces the rich history of the company. From beginning to end, the film shows how hard work, passion, and determination can lead to success.

 Wall Street

Wall Street | Full Movie | Movies Anywhere

In this flick, Michael Douglas plays the charismatic Gordon Gekko, who delivers the famous “Greed is Good” speech. He won an Academy Award for the role. Stunningly acted by Charlie Sheen and Michael Douglas in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street, Wall Street is a tale of ambition and greed. He gets caught up in the vicious web of insider trading after idolizing Gekko and lusting after his glamorous lifestyle.

 The Wolf of Wall Street

Based on the true story of Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street follows this entrepreneur as he rises to success and falls from grace, demonstrating how his company Stratton Oakmont engages in penny stock trading and securities scam, attracting the FBI’s attention.

The Founder The Founder : Michael Keaton, Linda Cardellini, Patrick Wilson,  Nick Offerman, Laura Dern, John Lynch, B.J. Novak, John Hancock, Jeremy  Renner, Aaron Ryder, Don Handfield, FilmNation Entertainment: Movies & TV

The revolutionary McDonald’s food chain that we know today was founded by a visionary, albeit controversial, salesman, Ray Kroc. He takes what started as a humble burger joint run by two brothers and transforms it into the iconic chain we know today. Based on the book of the same name, The Founder explores the moral and ethical dilemmas behind the global franchise, along with Kroc’s efficient execution in buying out the original founders. Even though McDonald’s is largely on the bad side in the movie, it can’t be denied the fact that it still survives

The Big Short

It focuses on the Wall Street investors who foresaw and then exploited the 2008 financial crisis, as told in the Oscar-winning film The Big Short. Amid a dizzying flurry of financial terminology, this witty movie is about more than just receding hairlines or financial jargon. It pokes fun at the absurdity of the subprime mortgage crisis and shows how lead character Michael Burry navigates through calculated risk assessments.

 Margin Call

In Margin Call, key people in a large investment bank are introduced and their actions over a 24-hour period during the initial days of the financial crisis are examined. This movie is yet another depiction of the 2007-08 financial crisis, but from the perspective of an investment bank. It is estimated that the actions taken by the fictional investment bank are too similar to those which Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch took during the financial crisis, even though the fictional investment bank has no name in the film.

Watch or rewatch these movies when you are in need of inspiration or just want a break from your busy schedule. There is no need to have a lot of money to start a business. Your overall success will be determined by the relentless pursuit of what you want at the top of your list.