Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs


As an entrepreneur, you need to grow and expand your knowledge before you can develop your business. Books can provide you with practical advice to help you through problems along the way. You will be fine if you have a high teachability index. Here are ten books that will help you become successful in business and in life. You will learn about what it takes to be an entrepreneur and advice about what to expect during the entrepreneurial journey through these best entrepreneur books. Here are some must-read books for entrepreneurs who want to succeed.

The Entrepreneur Mind by Kevin D. Johnson

Written by the founder of a multimillion-dollar company, Johnson Media Inc., The Entrepreneur Mind: 100 Essential Beliefs, Characteristics, and Habits of Elite Entrepreneurs reveals 100 principles that all successful entrepreneurs hold dear. If you want to succeed in business, you need to read this book, as it provides useful advice in an accessible and practical manner. It emphasizes the importance of developing how you think. In addition to sharing the author’s experiences, the book contains 100 lessons on strategy, people, finance, marketing and leadership.

The $100 Startup by Chris Gillebeau

His research projects have been about how people are converting the smallest amount of capital into massive returns, he has been a travel and entrepreneurship blogger, and he has published a book named “The Art of Non-Conformity”.After meeting more than 1,500 successful entrepreneurs around the world for ten years, he wrote “Travel Hacking Cartel” and created a subscription service.

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

In addition to teaching you the ins and outs of social life, and how to be a better entrepreneur, this book will change your life forever. While Dale Carnegie outlines all of the steps you need to take to make friends with everyone you meet in the digital age, we all know it is harder to be influential outside of the web, which is just as important as web influence. The course teaches etiquette and how to overcome competition or how to gain the attention of people who are closed-minded or simply not interested in your pitch.

The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy

In order to succeed in business, you must be a good salesperson. Not only must you sell your product, but also yourself, your idea and your business model. Even if you have a great product, you can’t make someone fall in love with you and your product if you don’t know how to approach them. By focusing on one thing, Brian Tracy’s book teaches you how to make more sales by focusing on the people. It’s common for entrepreneurs to skip over the basics of selling and get right to results, but you need to know those major points in order to achieve results. Brian Tracy covers them all in detail.

Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life by Spencer Johnson

Sniff, Scurry, Hem, and Haw are the mice that this book features and discuss four different personalities that can affect a person’s business. It contains only 96 pages of wisdom. There will be a great deal of insight into yourself and the choices you make in life in this book. It will teach you the importance of flexibility with your decisions so you can move forward with confidence towards your dreams. Towards the end of the book, experts recommend drawing a map, and finding the mouse personality type that best fits your own. If you are within a type that will prevent you from succeeding, take action.

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman

In his book Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman discusses two forces found in the mind, which can make or break how we live our lives and move forward. The slow, logical system that makes up our entire mind is the one he speaks of as opposed to the fast, emotional system. A breakdown of the different ways in which each system affects our success, confidence, and teachability index is provided by the author.

The Startup of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, and Transform Your Career by Reid Hoffman

There is a possibility that you are still working a part-time job while growing your business, so staying focused on your business can be difficult if you still report to your bossBut if you’re still working for someone else, Reid Hoffman can help you put yourself in an entrepreneurial mindset. In his book, he explains how you can still use an entrepreneurial mindset even if you’re an employee. Keeping this in mind will help you think like an entrepreneur 24/7, motivating you to keep on going regardless of what happens. You’ll also know what to look for in employees when your business grows to the point at which employees are required. Win-win!

My Philosophy for Successful Living by Jim Rohn

My Philosophy for Successful Living, by Jim Rohn, is no exception to his many inspiring books. In Bringing Value to People, Jim Rohn is teaching the principles and values of living a successful life. He no longer believes that living a successful life is about being selfish, but about bringing value to others. As he talks about creating a successful attitude, he teaches you to be kind to others. Of course, he encourages you to work hard towards your goals, but he also explains what a good attitude looks like. It’s a great book to remind yourself to be nice to everyone around you and to be grateful for everything you have. With only 64 pages, it’s a great read to remind yourself to be nice to everyone around you, as well as to be grateful for everything you have.