Do’s and Don’ts in Direct selling


People often mistake social media for social selling, which involves posting content on social networks to attract customers. Social selling is simply posting content on social networks to attract customers. There is far more to social selling than posting pictures, which is why we have put together a list of the top Do’s and Don’ts in direct selling so your consultants will get the most benefit from this powerful sales method.

In marketing, you have to try some new approaches to determine what will work. Without trying, you’ll never succeed, isn’t it? Well, that isn’t always the case. You will have to try a couple of new approaches to determine what will work best.

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Have a website AND a blog

If you’re going to succeed in Multilevel Marketing online, you’ll have to have a website. However, there will be those who recommend you create a blog rather than a static website. Any other approach would be a waste of time and energy. Both a website and a blog must be built simultaneously.

Find High-quality prospects

As a starting point, let’s define what a high-quality prospect is. A high-quality prospect meets the following three criteria:

  • A person’s quality of life is an important motivator for them.
  • The ability to think outside the box and find solutions sets them apart from others
  • They are genuinely interested in the products and services you offer.

It is more important to work with dedicated contacts who are capable of generating profits and building uplines independently. Quality is far more important than quantity in network marketing.

Be on the lookout for successful marketing campaigns, and repeat them. If you have a signature campaign that consistently produces results, keep it fresh and repeat it.

Focus on Building Personal Relationships with Clients Social selling provides consultants with the opportunity to learn more about their clients through their posts and interactions, making it more effective than traditional sales methods. This is an opportunity for your consultants to offer one-to-one client interaction as opposed to just posting and hoping for success. Make sure they know about it so they can take advantage of it.

Emphasize The Importance Of Building Trust

If you carefully implement these points, your consultants will prosper as well. Communicating with your customers on a personal level will not only build trust but will also ensure that a sale is made. When customers progress down the sales funnel, personal interaction shows that customer satisfaction is more important than a product purchase. One of a consultant’s primary responsibilities is to cultivate a relationship between them and consumers that builds trust and credibility.

Constantly tell your consultants to sell

Make sure your consultants understand the importance of building trust and credibility with consumers by interacting personally with them. The goal of social selling is not to close deals right away, but to establish a relationship with customers, engage and establish credibility as well as trust. You will appear as an institution that cares for your consumers by providing them with tips and tricks over these personal interactions.

What not to do 

Do not stop marketing

Don’t stop marketing to someone because they don’t act on your marketing. It takes 8-10 touches for a consumer to act on your marketing. There may be many different reasons for their reluctance, such as not thinking it’s the right time, being on the fence, not believing it’s financially feasible, or simply not being ready. If it is not right for them, someone they know could be, so keep approaching them until you have approached them at least 8-10 times using various direct marketing tactics (direct mail, targeted emails, freebies, etc.).

You should not market to customers who have requested not to be contacted by you.

Do force to people

It may be tempting to avoid list cleanup, but you might also be in violation of the law if you market to people who have explicitly asked not to be on your list. A direct marketing company or direct mail provider can verify that your marketing list has excellent data quality by checking it against removal lists and lists of deceased people.

Do not rely on only one form of direct marketing.

Direct marketing alone isn’t always as effective as it could be. While it may seem obvious to use email marketing because of its low cost, it isn’t always the most effective choice. If you combine email and direct mail, for instance, you’ll ensure double the exposure and get your brand read, opened, and seen. The average inbox is crowded with mail, and it is easy to swipe, delete, and move on.

It is the goal of direct selling to foster a culture of trust, engagement, and personalization that results in customer satisfaction and purchases, rather than merely using sales pitches and posting product images on social media. By following our Dos and Don’ts, your business will be one step closer to success and authenticity. In direct selling, in addition to posting product images on social media, it is about building trust, engagement, and personalization with customers to generate customer satisfaction and purchases.

If you want to succeed as a direct seller, it is important to keep these do’s and don’ts in direct selling in mind. These do’s and don’ts in direct selling will help you make better decisions when it comes to selling and business.