Quotes From Leaders Every Entrepreneur Should Keep in Mind


Being out there, trying to create something on your own, is not only scary but, at the same time, an exciting venture. Entrepreneurship is an exciting endeavour that pushes individuals toward growth. It challenges us. But, there Rae times when you feel under the weather. Every entrepreneur must have gone through a phase where they were discouraged from anything beyond wallowing in self-pity. It is under such circumstances motivation will help you.

Mostly we hate it when people around us try to motivate us. So, what if we try to get motivated by the wise words quoted by famous, successful personalities around the globe? Let’s try it out. Let’s see how the wise words of these leaders from various periods and walks of life, whose contributions made a significant impact on society, can help or motivate the mind of an entrepreneur.

APJ Abdul Kalam

“Let me define a leader. He must have vision and passion and not be afraid of any problem. Instead, he should know how to defeat it. Most importantly, he must work with integrity.”

APJ Abdul Kalam is one of the few individuals who doesn’t require any introduction. His life was one of the biggest motivational stories anybody can ever have hands-on. He is a constant source of inspiration for young entrepreneurs. He encouraged them to always explore and overcome challenges and continue striving towards a great mission. Entrepreneurs must note that they must work towards a greater mission that makes them better human beings. Defining one’s life mission could provide clarity and help one scale their development in life and business.

Benjamin Franklin

“What’s more valuable than Gold? Diamonds. Than Diamonds? Virtue.”

Benjamin Franklin was an American Scientist, Philanthropist and political Diplomat who helped draft the American Declaration of Independence in 1776. He was also one of the delegates of the convention that produced the U.S constitution. What’s truly admirable is that Benjamin Franklin is the only founding father to have signed all four of the key documents establishing the U.S. This includes the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778, the Treaty of Paris establishing peace with Great Britain in 1783 and the U.S. Constitution in 1787.

His reflections were a great source of motivation for individuals back then and continue to inspire people today. Ben Franklin provides multiple noteworthy instances of leadership. But one of the most important lessons he highlights for all leaders is wealth and virtue. He believed that it was very important for people to be virtuous and diligent in their stride and adhere to morals to succeed.

Entrepreneurs can take inspiration from Ben Franklin and strive to remain virtuous and maintain moral integrity in their businesses. As for direct sellers, QNET provides a clear Code of Conduct and Ethics that they must follow in all their presentations, sales and representation of the opportunity. This helps them remain virtuous and goes a long way in helping them build their businesses.

Abraham Lincoln

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

As one among the most influential men and leaders of the 19th century, Abraham Lincoln requires no introduction. One of Lincoln’s most important lessons is that leaders never stop learning and up-skilling. This is one of the most important lessons every entrepreneur looking to become a leader in their domain should remember. Individuals should put time and effort into cultivating new skills and practice them consistently to become proficient. These skills help them get better at their tasks and ultimately help them achieve their goals.

Entrepreneurs must also develop their marketing, presentation and professional skills to help them grow their businesses. QNET provides a vast resource to help individuals upskill and learn more about the possibility of becoming successful entrepreneurs. The QNET India website is a great place to start the learning journey.

There are many more influential individuals to whom you can turn to get wise words, direction and motivation when you feel stuck and consumed by the darkness. These are some of the individuals whose insights can help you keep motivated. But there are many more, and you must find them out. So, instead of feeling defeated, make it a point to search for the light when in distress. In the life of an entrepreneur, small things like them do matter.