Product-Line of Direct Selling Companies


Network Marketing, also known as Direct Selling or Multilevel Marketing (MLM), is a distribution channel that markets consumer products and services directly to the end consumer. There are no middlemen or intermediaries, or physical retail stores between the companies and the consumers. Some of these Network Marketing businesses even market their products or services to other businesses – this type of business is called business-to-business or B2B. This write-up explores the products and services that Network Marketing companies commonly sell.

How does Direct Selling Companies Operate?

As well-known, Direct Selling companies sell their products or services away from a fixed retail store. The offerings of these companies are showcased and sold directly via agents, popularly known as Independent Representatives or Sales Representatives or Distributors. Some companies charge a nominal fee for the starter kit provided to those who wish to collaborate with them as Independent Representatives. The Independent Representatives are compensated handsomely in the form of commissions for the sales they execute. It offers an average person a way to earn income. When you join the company, it is as good as owning a mini-franchise with negligible investment.

MLM Business Product Lines

There are several products that MLM companies offer but, the most preferred ones by an average person are consumer-based products. Many companies are offering different products across industries, making it a highly competitive platform. Therefore, it is the uniqueness and innovativeness of the products that catch the attention and fancy of consumers and are largely consumed.

However, Network Marketing does not restrict themselves only to largely used daily consumables; they even market and sell single-time use products and services like water purifying devices, induction stoves, pre-paid legal services, home food storage containers, etc. Further, the Direct Selling Industry has also derived great success in selling telecommunication, energy, and different financial products.  Some Network Marketing companies have even ventured into the real estate industry.

Historically Sold Products by Direct Selling Companies

Since their inception, most Direct Selling companies are historically known to deal in the products falling under the Personal Care, Healthcare, Nutrition, Cosmetics, Jewelry, Homecare, and Techno products. Further, even the end-consumer is comfortable and the best candidate to pursue selling such products on a part-time basis. Not forgetting, many people took to Network Marketing as a full-time activity in their quest to attain financial freedom. And that is the reason why Network Marketing is profitable for the companies and even best suited for selling by consumers, creating a pool of recruits for the companies and increases their salesforce without any spending, unlike in a traditional business.

The Onset of Covid-19 Necessitated Daily-Need Products

The severity of the Covid-19 pandemic took the entire world by surprise and pushed it into an economic recession. Governments of several countries introduced lockdowns which rendered most people to the confines of their homes. The fear of getting infected by the virus scared them from going out. The Direct Selling companies were quick to sniff consumers’ requirements, leveraged technology and the Internet, and upped their eCommerce activities. Products sold most during this period by the Direct Selling companies included Health & Wellness, Nutrition, Personal Care, and even drugs & medicines

The Wrapping Comments

There are several benefits associated with working as a Direct Seller. But Network Marketing is not a get-rich-quick business. Direct Selling is a business that you need to run like any other business; otherwise, your competitors will get ahead. To be a successful Direct Seller, you need hard work, dedication, contact networking, and passion for what you do. Once you decide to become one, you should carefully research the products of the company you wish to join. Also, you need to check the background of the company, its legality, and its compensation plan. You should be convinced about the company and its business and comfortable with the products. Besides, you will be selling these products in future, you should not wait any further; you should get in and start right away – your Direct Selling business. Best of Luck!