Psychological Tactics – An Integral Part of Any Direct Sales Strategy


Being a part of the Direct Selling industry, also known as Multilevel Marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing industry, have you ever wondered why some products like jewellery or clothing are easy to sell than other products like health & wellness, skincare, or weight management? Well, many of them are unaware and do not lay much emphasis on understanding it. It is all to do with sales psychology! It can greatly impact your business and should not be ignored as part of your Direct Sales marketing strategy. These psychological tactics can greatly help you improve your business and profits.

Understanding Sales Psychology in Direct Selling

Before we delve into customers’ perceptions of your products or services, you need to know how the product acceptance curve applies to your offerings. Whether there is customer awareness? Do they acknowledge liking it? Are they willing to try? Or finally, is there a behavioral change in your customers trying or using them? Products like jewelry or clothing are easier to sell as they are low-risk and easy-to-accept products. However, when considering health & wellness, skincare, or weight management products, customers will have to change their behavior or lifestyle. From a customer’s point of view, buying, for example, a skincare product and not using it can mean wasting money as the product has an expiry date. On the other hand, they can use the clothes or jewelry they purchase anytime. So, all that it means is that you must first know who your ideal client is, and secondly, access the emotional commitment required to use your product.

Psychological Plays an Important Role in Closing Deal

You can deploy different psychological tactics and use them depending on the stage of the selling process. And yes, this happens even without you realizing it! Listed below are some of the psychological ploys that can facilitate closing a deal.

Customer Engagement Psychology

Your first step is always to contact your target customers. To engage with them, you need to establish a common ground and provide some incentives to interact with you. You can choose to offer almost anything – a personalized gift, a sample of your product, free analysis, and so on. Here you are applying the reciprocity rule – it is the most common psychological principle used in successful sales.

Prioritizing Customers

Targeting your hottest leads can yield the best results than randomly reaching out to prospects. By identifying such leads who are ready to take action, you can apply the principle of unity. By this, we mean grouping and labelling similar leads. Labelling can help you understand how they perceive your products – whether they feel empowered, smart, insightful, or innovative. Further, there is another way to prioritize your leads; it can be based on their buying habits.

The Sales Process Psychology

After successfully engaging and prioritizing your leads, whom you know are now ready to buy, your efforts should be directed to closing the deal. You need to ensure there are no obstacles and that the prospect is made comfortable. By applying the psychological principles of liking and authority, you can create a connection and present a personality that the customer can relate to. The best way to do it is by telling your story to create a common ground. Further, show your expertise and demonstrate your authoritativeness through your title or certification – it will generate trust. You may also offer other expert endorsements to establish your authority.


Sales psychology is all about focusing on customers’ emotional needs and highlighting the value of your product. Assuming you are already into direct sales but new to the business. For the success of your business, it is important for you to know your target customers well and understand their motivation when they buy. You will manage your sales pitch better if you put yourself in the customer’s shoes. There can be several emotional responses to a sale. Understanding these psychological attitudes and implementing the psychological tactics as part of your marketing efforts can lead to the success of your business. All the best.