Network Marketing Vs Job: Which is better? | QNET |


Network Marketing and Job are two different approaches to earning income, each with its characteristics and advantages. Job is when a company employs a person and gives them work or a task; in return, they offer a monthly salary. On the other hand, network marketing is when an individual harness a network to sell products and grow the business. Let’s explore network marketing vs Job.

What is Network marketing?

Network Marketing Vs Job: Network Marketing

Network marketing, also known as multi-level marketing (MLM), is a business model where individuals earn money not only from their sales of products or services but also by recruiting others to join their sales team. Here are some key aspects of network marketing:

Flexibility: Network marketing often offers more flexible working hours, allowing individuals to work on schedule. A flexible marketing strategy allows you to adjust your plans in response to the outcomes of your efforts. It starts with thoughts about how to create your product, where to sell it, what prices you want to establish, and what promotions you want to employ. In Network marketing, you can work at your pace.

Earning Potential: The potential for high earnings exists if you can build a strong and motivated sales team, as you earn commissions not only on your sales but also on the sales made by those you recruit. Network marketing can be a great source of income if you enjoy working outside the 9 to 5 schedule and have excellent communication and sales abilities. There are many network marketing success stories for inspiration. Avon, Amway, and Tupperware, Qnet, among many others, were among the company leaders in this marketing sector.

Entrepreneurial Spirit: Network marketing allows individuals to operate their businesses within the framework of the larger network marketing company. A self-driven attitude and mentality that can propel you to realise your potential and purpose. That is what the entrepreneurial spirit is. It also builds leadership qualities. Leaders who are proactive, successful, determined, motivating, inventive, and selfless are produced by this invisible power.

Risk and Reward: While the potential for high earnings exists, risk is involved, as success often depends on building a large and productive sales team. Starting a network marketing business carries risks as well, both financial and social. So, it’s better to do financial planning before itself. Stocking more products of the same quality at a price and offering additional bonuses entails financial risks. Additionally, social dangers include ruined relationships if your friends and family are your primary target market.

Controversy: Network marketing has faced criticism for resembling pyramid schemes, and there can be ethical concerns around recruiting others solely to earn from their sales.

Network Marketing vs Job: Job

Network Marketing Vs Job: Job | QNET |

A job involves working for an employer in exchange for a regular salary or wage. You are typically an employee of a company, organisation, or individual. There are different types of jobs, e.g., private, public, full-time, part-time, etc. Here are some key aspects of a job:

Stability: Jobs often provide a stable source of income with a predictable salary or wage. In a Job, an employee, or group of employees, can be a part of the organisation for a long time. This makes their job secure. But in recent years, job security in private companies has become a great issue due to technological advancements.

Benefits: Jobs offer a fulfilling career and contribute to a sense of identity, purpose and personal growth. Along with financial security, they offer a personal advantage in advancing one’s career. Many jobs come with benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and other perks.

Fixed Hours: You usually have set working hours and are expected to follow a specific schedule. Most of the companies in India offer 9 hours of working hours a day, five days a week.  You can plan for your work schedule if you have regular and daily work time. In contrast to waiting for a rotating schedule from part-time employment or needing to unexpectedly switch shifts with someone, a fixed timetable offers consistency in knowing when you are working.

Limited Control: As an employee, you have less control over the tasks you work on, the direction of the company, and the decisions made. You are working hard not for yourself but for the company. You are giving your crucial time to your company.

Limited Growth Potential: Advancement within the company might require moving up the hierarchical ladder, which can take time and is not guaranteed. You can’t be your own master. In jobs, you have to follow the rules and regulations of the company.


In summary, a job offers stability, benefits, and a fixed salary in exchange for your labour and expertise. Network marketing provides more entrepreneurial opportunities, flexibility, and the potential for higher earnings through building a sales team. However, network marketing has its own set of challenges and potential controversies. The choice between the two depends on your preferences, goals, risk tolerance, and specific opportunities.