How to Build Confidence to Succeed in Direct Selling


Among the number of factors that contribute to your direct sales success, confidence is one of the most important. If you want to be a successful direct seller, you have to build confidence to succeed. There are so many factors to consider, but it is crucial that you project confidence to others in your business.  You must be able to convince your customers that you are the right person for the job, since your business depends on your relationships with others. It is vital that you are able to confidently respond to the prospect’s objections in order to turn yourself into a sales professional. If you truly believe in what you do, then your customers will know it too.

Dress for success!

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The more you dress like a professional, the more you will feel professional and be treated more seriously. This is why dressing for success increases your self-esteem and confidence. You should look your best by investing in a few professional outfits and paying attention to the details like a professional hairstyle and modest makeup. You cannot know where your next connection will come from so always look and act professional wherever you go. When you feel your best on the outside, it boosts your confidence on the inside, and your confidence in turn makes people see you differently. Always look and act like someone who others want to meet and do business with, whether you’re at the grocery store, your kid’s hockey game, or a networking event.

Outsource the activities that make you feel inadequate!

Find an expert if you lack ability in an area that is important to your business. I was once restricted by my lack of knowledge in bookkeeping/numbers at one time. In this area, I worried so much, and I was so self-conscious that I was hindering my business, so I hired someone to set up my books and train me properly. I was surprised to see how my confidence in this area grew once I had a system in place. Later on, as my business grew, I hired this person to handle everything.

I have hired experts in social media, marketing, event planning, admin, business coaching, and graphic design to help me with some of the tasks in my business. These experts include social media, marketing, event planning, admin, business coaching, and graphic design experts. When I knew I was working with an expert doing an activity I did not know how to do, I felt so much more confident and at ease.

Invest in your own learning!

Participating in your company’s monthly meetings, taking classes and participating in webinars, reading business books, and attending yearly conferences can help you learn the tools and resources needed to succeed as an individual and in your business. Your self-confidence will be boosted as well as your business as you put what you learn into practice.

Feel the fear and do it anyway!

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The first time I called people to invite them to my business launch, I was petrified. This is something that everyone experiences when they step out of their comfort zones. Rather than book a show, I talked to someone about a business opportunity for the first time on the phone. When I gave my company’s presentation, when I asked someone to book a show at checkout, when I did an opportunity meeting, when I conducted a coaching call, or when I met with my team for the first time, I was afraid. My stomach was in knots for a long time, but I went ahead because I WANTED to!

Practice makes perfect.

Improve yourself by practicing your sales presentation in front of a mirror, then proceed to practice with your kids’ stuffed animals. For example, if you lack confidence in your sales presentation, you can practice by making your presentation in front of a mirror.  For the truly brave and ambitious, you might consider recording yourself on video. Once you feel more comfortable with what you’re doing, try performing in front of a few close family members. This will help you gain a clearer understanding of how others view you and will enable you to pinpoint areas of strength and weakness. Take notes on what you want to improve as well as where you excelled.

So that when life throws shit at you, you already know you can overcome it, no matter how hard it feels in the moment. You need to go through a struggle that pushes you deeper than you ever would voluntarily. Not even the external world counts. You need only prove it to yourself. It has nothing to do with proving your worth to others. It is vital that you are able to confidently respond to the prospect’s objections in order to turn yourself into a sales professional. If you truly believe in what you do, then your customers will know it too. You have to experience both success and failure in sales (and life) if you want to have real confidence. This often is more difficult than most people are willing to accept. To be truly confident, you need to accomplish goals and win.

By keeping these simple things in mind, you will be able to build confidence to succeed and make it big in the direct selling industry. If you are able to build confidence to succeed, nothing can stop you!