Direct Selling Industry: Fighting Unemployment in India


The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 followed the already receding Indian economy, and India’s labour market is still feeling a dual impact. Despite the Indian Government’s bold initiatives to support the industries and protect jobs through job retention schemes, millions of workers lost their jobs over the last couple of years. Many self-employed experienced a collapse in their incomes collapse. Even as the economy looks up and even as the vaccination drive is in full swing to counter the Coronavirus menace, India being a highly populated country, the issue of unemployment still looms large. Let us determine how the Direct Selling companies, also known as Multilevel Marketing or Network Marketing companies, continue to rescue India’s biggest concern – unemployment.

Unemployment Crisis – The Biggest Concern for the Government

India is one of the world’s top populated countries where unemployment is the biggest concern. Lately, the government has been striving hard to generate more employment via its initiatives like Make in India, Skill India, Startup India, and Women Empowerment. Generating employment cannot happen overnight – it must be a combined effort of the government and the industries.

Direct Selling Industry – The Shining Spot

Even as the Indian economy was booming in 2016-17 and being tagged as the fastest-growing economy globally, economists were always worried about jobless growth. It came to the fore more prominently once the Covid-19 pandemic set in. At a time when most industries struggled to sustain their operations and generate revenues due to the economic slowdown induced by the pandemic, the Direct Selling Industry not only stood out but provided livelihoods to millions. The Direct Selling Industry that generated self-employment opportunities for more than twenty years continued to do so prominently during the pandemic. And to become a Direct Seller, there are no restrictions or criteria. People from all walks of society, irrespective of gender, qualification, age, or skill set, can join.

Direct Selling Industry – Reasons for being the Bright Spot

As the Covid-19 pandemic set in and continues to play havoc with people’s lives even after the arrival of many vaccines across the globe, consumer needs have suddenly undergone a drastic change – thanks to smartphones and online ways of connecting with the world. Unlike most industries, the Direct Selling Industry was quick to sense the changing mood of the consumers. The industry took the lead in leveraging advanced technology and the easy and affordable availability of the Internet. It updated its eCommerce website and maximized the benefits of social media along with other online marketing strategies. So, it was the combination of factors that enabled the Direct Selling Industry to stand out. The industry did not stop there; it also provided jobs to millions who lost their livelihoods by offering them to partner with them as Independent Representatives, also known as Sales Representatives.

Direct Selling Companies Facilitating Self-Employment Generation

India is a developing economy with growing consumerism. Several store and non-store formats have evolved over the years to cater to the growing retail sector. The Direct Selling market is today the fastest growing non-store retail format. In around two decades of its existence in India, the Direct Selling Industry has provided self-employment opportunities to millions of people. More so during the severe employment crisis emerging out of the pandemic. It is interesting to note that more than half of those employed in the Network Marketing companies are women, keeping in line with the government’s vision of Women Empowerment.

Direct Selling Companies Generating Direct Employment Opportunities

The Direct Selling Industry is one of the oldest and most traditional forms of selling industry globally, involving direct interaction between the seller and the buyer. Along with providing livelihood earning opportunities to Direct Sellers, the industry generates direct employment. How may you ask? Most Direct Selling companies outsource their productions and their packaging and distribution, which creates a supply chain that generates direct employment. It also enables the development of the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector. Not only that, but the Direct Selling Industry also contributes significantly to the government revenues by way of paying taxes. Some Direct selling companies even contribute actively towards social activities.

Government Initiatives & Regulations – Boosting Companies & Safeguarding Interests of Representatives

Are you looking to earn a livelihood? Are you interested in earning a second income? Do you want to attain financial independence? Do you want to move away from the typical nine to five work schedule and be your own boss? Do you like to meet new people and make friends with them? Do you even have a semblance of aptitude for sales? If your answer to all those questions is in the affirmative, then you should seriously think of stepping into the world of Network Marketing. The government has boosted the Network Marketing Industry via its many initiatives discussed above. It has recently introduced several regulations that will go a long way in safeguarding the interests of Independent Representatives from fraudulent companies who dupe innocent people.

Direct Selling can be an answer to all employment woes. However, it is always advisable for you to verify the credentials of the Multilevel Marketing company by making an informed decision before collaborating. All the best! Good direct selling companies like QNET India have a great deal to do when it comes to helping fight unemployment in India. By joining QNET, you can be a part of the revolution and make your life safe and secure.