Direct Selling Industry – Aligned to the ‘Make in India’ Vision


Make in India is a Government of India initiative that encourages investment, innovation, skill development, and manufacturing. The Direct Selling Industry, also known as Multilevel Marketing or Network Marketing Industry, that has been manufacturing and selling in India via its Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) vendor partners is in line with the Make in India initiative of the government. It facilitates India’s economic growth and aims to make the ‘Make in India’ tag consumer-friendly and change the consumers’ perception.

The Make in India – The Government Initiative

The ‘Make in India’ initiative launched globally in 2014 is a renewed effort by the government to focus on promoting India as the preferred global manufacturing hub. Since its launch, several initiatives have provided an impetus to manufacturing, design, innovation, and startups. India being the fastest-growing global economy, is extended further by the impetus via several other initiatives like Digital India, Smart Cities, and Skill India. Make in India is an effort to make the country a prominent destination of the global supply chain. Having opened its economy in sectors like Defense, Railways, Infrastructure, Medical Devices, and Insurance for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), the Make in India initiative aims at making Indian companies excel on the global platform.

Direct Selling – In Line with the Make in India Initiative

Direct Selling Industry - Aligned to the 'Make in India' Vision

Over the year, the Direct Selling Industry has been contributing towards the Make in India initiative by manufacturing and selling Made in India products via services of the SME sector – for example, the well-known global Direct Selling company – Herbalife India sells its products across India by manufacturing them in their state-of-the-art facilities in Himachal Pradesh. Since its advent, the Direct Selling Industry has been quietly generating self-employment and promoting manufacturing in India. The Direct Selling Industry has provided much-needed thrust to the further growth of the Medium, Small, and Micro Enterprise (MSME) sector in India.

Direct Selling and MSMEs – Complimenting Each Other

Besides, the last decade saw the Direct Selling Industry clock a double-digit growth and contributed prominently to a partnership with MSMEs. The growth and success of the Direct Selling Industry have been instrumental in furthering the cooperation with the MSMEs. The recently drafted regulations by the government are aimed at protecting the interests of the investors. It helps to keep the positive momentum alive and dissuade companies from using fraudulent practices in the disguise of Direct Selling.

Direct Selling Industry – Afloat even in Pandemic Times!

The year 2020 has been a year of challenges. Moreover, when most industries shut or struggled to sustain their revenues, the Direct Selling Industry has been an exception. For the Direct Sellers, the year 2020 was a year of opportunities. They changed their routine operations and adjusted to new norms.  Consumers looked up to online solutions and homemakers sought new ways to bolster their incomes. The Direct Selling companies catering to both these demands. So, it flourished during this time and continues to do so despite several challenges. Its digital-savvy workforce comprising sales reps has been rock solid and continues to operate robustly. They provide efficient and timely services to its tech-savvy consumers in testing times.

Conclusion: Direct Selling Industry is at the forefront in making India the global manufacturing hub

The Direct Selling Industry is impacting the socio-economic environment positively by promoting self-employment and entrepreneurship. The industry supports SMEs in upgrading their technologies and manufacturing methods by investing in them. India is a big market for the Direct Selling Industry. It is the right time for those wanting to pursue their financial dreams to take maximum advantage. And under the new Make in India mission, the Direct Selling companies will always remain at the forefront. The industry has a huge role in making India the world’s manufacturing hub. So, the industry indeed promises immense potential. Step in now.