Digital Optimization has Enabled Direct Sellers to Survive the Pandemic


We live in an era where both – the markets and consumers have shifted to real-time transactions facilitated by the advent of advanced technology backed with affordable internet connectivity. Such quick transition is rarely seen as trends usually begin with a few industries and then spread over time. The main reason for this transition has been the onset of the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has seen an overall shift in consumer behaviors that have gone all out the digital way. Further, companies that are adept at providing unique products or services that are tuned with the ongoing situation are gaining the most. That now focuses on the Direct Sellers who have leveraged digitalization to the hilt and survived the pandemic. Let us find out how.

Pandemic has Induced a Shift in Consumer Behavior

The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic has seen a big shift in consumer behaviours, driving several trends across industries. Though the pandemic has been a bad thing to happen, it is a perfect setting for startup and small businesses to showcase and sell innovative products and services based on consumer behavioral trends. Though a few trends may not last, many are here to stay, and you can leverage some of them discussed below.

Live Stream Shopping

Live Stream Shopping, also referred to as Live Streaming E-commerce, involves two-way communication by incorporating live video content. It enables online surfers to buy or save featured products from the platform directly.

Virtual Reality

As people get more accustomed to online means, social media and dating sites have become acceptable mediums. In the future, people are likely to even look out for virtual personalities online.

Online Education & Business Transactions

While many feel that the pandemic-related shutdowns have affected education and business operations, but people have accepted online video for education, meetings, and sales-related transactions in due course. At the pace at which digitalization is going on, the world is likely to embrace self-improvement via online mediums.

Social Distancing – The Main Reason to Drive Digital Ways

Direct Selling has always been synonymous with face-to-face interaction, and that is what made it unique. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the Direct Selling industry took a big hit. The enforcement of lockdowns and social distancing the demonstration meetings for prospects and consumers was discouraged. But there is always a way out in such adversities – it gave rise to digital tools like live-streaming that are commonly associated with e-commerce.

Direct Selling Companies have encouraged their Independent Representatives to build relationships with prospects and customers via social media and other messaging tools. It facilitated in taking orders conveniently and at the same time making shopping a more seamless experience for the consumers! Further, Direct Selling companies have understood the need to revise their marketing strategy by responding with products and services that cater to new and urgent demands of consumers amidst the unprecedented sanitary crisis.

Digital Interaction and Incentives to Direct Sellers has Spurred Recovery

The face-to-face conversation plays an important role from the customer’s perspective. The sharing of catalogues and e-commerce via social media and WhatsApp will keep growing the relationship between the customer and the Direct Seller. Further, it will even make Direct selling companies rethink their relationship with value chains like printing.

The economic recession that set in before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic was further compounded by the employment crisis induced by it. In the days to come, the Direct Selling companies are likely to increase their sales force as most unemployed workers seek an alternative way to run their households. But the Direct Selling companies will have to compete for their workforce with the gig economy. Implementing strategies that promote the professional development of Direct Sellers and lucrative incentives will prove to be the key attracting factors in retaining them in a post-pandemic scenario.


The global that began in 2019 is likely to see lower income levels in several countries in the coming years. The advancement in technology and leveraging digital ways will help Direct Sellers closer to the consumers. But on the flip side, digitalization that encourages the seller-buyer relationship will diminish Direct Selling company links with other value chain businesses. With digitalization to the rescue of Direct Sellers enabling them to survive difficult times, the road ahead for Direct Sellers is seen even brighter with several government initiatives in place and expectations of more to follow. Step into Direct Selling and make the most of the digital ways to achieve your goal.