Boost Your Network Marketing Business by Starting a Blog


When you start your Network Marketing business, also called Multilevel Marketing (MLM), you may want to know whether writing a blog can help you grow your business. Well, it should be noted, as per studies, businesses that implement a content strategy using a blog receive 50 percent more traffic and generate 60 percent more leads when compared to those that do not blog. Blogging is part of your digital marketing strategy that helps you elevate your business to greater heights and establishes you as a market thought leader.

The Business Blog

When you publish content, or images, or other media online, it is known as blogging. What started as an opportunity to write diary-style content is now used by many companies to grow their businesses. Further, several blogging websites allow you to create a blogging account, for example, WordPress, Blogspot, etc. Writing effective blogs enables you to attract more leads you need to nurture by engaging and converting them into your customers. Doing it the right way can help you produce profitable outcomes for your business. You may incorporate the blogging strategy either by writing on a blogging website or incorporating it within your official website. Guest blogging on relevant websites in your niche industry can also help.

Network Marketing and the Need for Network Marketing Blog

When you collaborate with a company and become their Sales Representative, also known as Independent Representative, to promote their products or services and grow their salesforce, it is called Network Marketing. As an Independent Representative, you earn a commission when you sell the product or service of the company but also lucrative incentives when you recruit another salesperson who is placed under you – commonly known as your downline in the Multilevel Marketing world.

And now, to answer your question about the need for a Network Marketing blog. If you are a Network Marketer, it becomes essential to establish your market visibility, credibility, and reach to grow your business. Incorporating your content strategy using the blog as your platform can help you reach your prospects and customers conveniently and effectively. Further, starting a blog can even benefit someone who is not Network Marketer – you can monetize your blog by allowing Google to place relevant ads on your blog or collaborate with a company for their online affiliate marketing campaign.

Blogging – A Cost-Effective Way to Promote Your Network Marketing Business

Starting your business blog can be your most cost-effective and easy option to promote your Direct Selling business. Done rightly can establish you as an authority and reach new markets too. Though most Network Marketers are yet to tap the benefits of blogging, you can stay ahead by starting to blog. Listed below are effective tips for writing and building your business blog.

Plan and Create Valuable Content

Most people shy away from starting their blog due to a lack of time, interest, and ideas! But meticulous planning can help you generate great ideas that can suffice your posting needs for several weeks and even months. You can experience successful business blogging by posting valuable content for your readers. It will enable you to establish your authority in the industry.

Maintain a Posting Frequency

Consistency in blog posting matters. You need to maintain a frequency that you can keep over time. It could be weekly or fortnightly, or even daily. What matters is consistency! It holds the key. And also, keep in mind that the more frequently you refresh your content, the more likely your website will climb the search engine rankings – it helps you gain visibility and reach your target audience.

Have a Style and Keep Tab on Wordcount

Even if you are writing a business blog, ensure to keep your sales pitch down. Maintain an informal tone and portray the human face of your business. It helps create a connection with your prospects and customers, which you will experience when they start responding to you and later become your customers! Further, it is also important for you to track the word count of your blog post. Ideally, it should be 400 to 800 words. If you are writing a long one, try to serialize or segment it as readers usually tend to scan content – glancingly! So, make every word count!

Do Not Forget to Share Your Blog and Make it Shareable too!

It is the WEBSITE LINKS that matter on the internet! You should ensure you make your blog post link easy to share on various social media platforms, forums, email newsletters, and so on. If your blog post link is long and makes no sense, you can always use link shorteners and customizers, for example,,, etc. Sharing your blog post by inserting a backlink will help you drive traffic and sales to your website. And making your blog post shareable will make it easy for your readers to share it in their circle of friends, relatives, colleagues, and more.

Conclusion: Create your blog, promote your business, become a successful entrepreneur.

There are several benefits associated with having your business blog. The above tips will help you to implement and start your own successfully. You may, later on, measure the performance of your blog. For example, using the most popular tool, Google Analytics, easy to install, will let you statistically understand how people find your blog and which blog posts are popular among your readers. All the best for a happy and successful blogging experience in your Direct Selling journey.