Why Are Women Choosing Direct Selling Over Corporate Jobs?


Women now are succeeding in every industry, unlike in the past. From establishing direct selling companies to holding positions of authority in banking and other major areas. Women are breaking through the glass ceiling and achieving positions of power more effectively as women’s empowerment grows. The necessary legislation has been enacted to provide a safe and empowering working environment for women.

Nonetheless, as of today, an increasing number of women are opting to start their own enterprises rather than work in corporate positions. According to one estimate, women now account for 40% of the global entrepreneurial sector. In India alone, there are 13.4-15.7 million women-owned businesses. In reality, 2.1 million women now work in India’s Direct Selling industry and have gone on to become successful business owners. As time goes on, more women aspire to start their own direct selling companies, be their own bosses, and leave corporate careers.

However, what are the reasons behind this?

Let’s discuss why women are abandoning their corporate jobs and choosing for direct selling businesses instead.

Why are Women Choosing Direct Selling?

1. Charged As Per Their Worth

better pay - why women are choosing direct selling

Despite increased awareness and calls for gender equality, women are still paid less than men in many countries. Due to unconscious gender biases or a conservative work climate, women continue to confront equal pay issues while having equal merit and job skills. Women may even have to overperform to demonstrate their worth, working longer hours and taking on more tasks than necessary, only to be underpaid.

The pay you make in direct selling firms is entirely up to you. The products and services you sell will determine your salary, regardless of your gender orientation. The more time and work you put in, the more money you will make. There are no other requirements. As a result of such a company model, women prefer to become direct selling entrepreneurs since they earn what they are worth. They are not subjected to unequal compensation, gender discrimination, or feeling devalued because of their salary. Women who own a business and have financial independence feel more self-sufficient and empowered.

2. Achieving a Healthy Work Environment

Despite the fact that individuals are growing more progressive in the workplace, there will be many instances where women will become victims of toxic work environments in corporate positions. They may confront difficulties with their male coworkers or endure unhealthy competition from others. This hinders women from feeling at ease at work and puts them in a position to be more conscious and reserved.

Direct selling gives you complete freedom to work from wherever you desire. There is no necessity to operate in a specific location. Furthermore, as the owner of your own company, you can pick your team and locate people with whom you can have a productive professional relationship. Women find direct selling more enticing because of these qualities. Many women can successfully manage direct selling enterprises from the comfort of their own homes. They have no unpleasant job experiences because they have complete control over their work environment. This level of liberation enables women to feel more confident and empowered, and to harness these sentiments to achieve success.

3. Immense Flexibility

Corporate positions are notorious for having severe time constraints. People tend to lose time for their families, hobbies, and even themselves due to the usual 9-5 job hours. Corporate jobs may even ask you to work extra hours and exhaust yourself for no more than your predetermined wage. Women struggle with such strict time constraints because they have issues caring for their families, thriving at work, and caring for their own well-being. They will never be able to attain a healthy work-life balance, which will have an impact on both their personal and professional lives.

Women can achieve work-hour flexibility through direct marketing. Running a direct selling business does not necessitate a set timetable. As a direct selling entrepreneur, you have the flexibility to work your own hours and days. Of course, in order to succeed, you must put in enough hours. However, you are not limited to a 9-5 schedule and can devise a timetable that allows you to devote equal time to your personal and professional lives. Furthermore, if you work more hours in direct selling, you will be reimbursed accordingly. This enables women to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

4. Self-Empowerment

Naturally, when you’re running a business, you achieve a sense of immense accomplishment and empowerment that is indomitable. You establish a name of being a business owner which in itself can be powerful. You have an excellent platform wherein you can grow personally and professionally and allow yourself to learn many things. It is a place where women can hone their leadership skills, enhance their interpersonal skills and train their own team of inspired direct sellers. This can give them an utmost sense of self-esteem, independence and great strength. As there are no limits to the success you can achieve and nothing stopping you in your way, you can run your business as per your terms and feel empowered through it. You can also use your platform to empower other aspiring women entrepreneurs who have similar dreams as yours.

These are the reasons why women are choosing direct selling businesses over corporate jobs. With direct selling, women enjoy entire freedom and authority over their own business operations and are not subject to anyone’s supervision. Furthermore, because direct selling has no educational criteria, women with any or no education background can be a part of a direct selling business and become successful entrepreneurs. Overall, direct selling gives women the competitive advantage they may lack in corporate professions and empowers them to run their businesses independently.