Top 4 Ways to Save Money as a Direct Seller


As a direct seller, you spend a lot of time talking to people and learning their needs. And while most direct sellers make money by selling products or services, or through their downline, there are some ways you can save money on your own without sacrificing any of the benefits of being a successful direct seller. In this post I’ll show you five ways to save money as a direct seller—and keep those savings coming in each month!

Save a Percentage of Each Direct Sales Check

The next time you make a direct sales check, save a percentage of it.

If you’re good at saving, this can be done by setting up an automatic deposit into a separate bank account for your direct sales income. This way, the money will be there when it’s needed and will reduce your expenses because there won’t be any deductions from those funds before they are deposited into the business account.

It’s also important that you keep track of how much money is saved each month so that if one month ends with little or no income because there were no orders placed during that time period (or if one month ends with lots of orders but less than ideal margins due to costs such as shipping), then there won’t be any surprises when looking back at previous months’ figures on paper!

Never Spend Money on Something You Haven’t Thought About for at Least 24 Hours

The most important thing to remember is that you should never spend money on something you haven’t thought about for at least 24 hours. That’s because, when buying anything, there are a lot of different factors to consider:

How much do I actually need this? Is this item going to be used often enough that it would be worth the cost? Am I going to use this item often enough so that I’d have no trouble paying for it in advance (and will be able to sell my old one later? Is this item going to fit into my budget? Will this item make me happy? Am I getting a good deal on it right now? Asking these questions to yourself before making the purchase will allow you to introspect and understand if the product is a well-deserved purchase or not. More often than not, we tend to indulge in excessively purchasing of things that don’t necessarily meet our needs. By taking these 24 hours, you’ll realize what things you really need to buy and what things are merely just a momentary desire.

Don’t Let Work-Related Travel Ruin Your Budget

The first step to saving money as a direct seller is to not let work-related travel ruin your budget. Many people who are trying to build their own businesses and make extra income often find themselves spending money on their personal lives or on the business itself. One of the many things that a direct seller does includes travelling to different places in search of prospects or customers. These business trips can be quick to empty our wallets before we realize. Here are some ways you can effectively conserve money on your work trips.

Stay in a hotel with a kitchenette: If you’re planning on staying at home for more than two nights, consider renting an airbnb or other similar property where there’s already an established kitchen and dining area. This will keep costs down because it’s less hassle for you not having to cook for yourself every night (and if your family comes over, they can also make use of this amenity).

Eat out less: Eating out is expensive! Try eating at home instead of going out every day—this way, there won’t be any additional food costs associated with entertaining guests either!

Take public transportation instead of cabs: If possible avoid getting into cabs whenever possible; instead take public transportation like buses/metros/trains whenever possible so that there won’t be any additional taxi fares charged onto your credit card bill either!

Ask For Free Gifts From Your Customers

The next time you have a successful sale, ask your customer to give you something in return. This can be anything from a T-shirt or hoodie to an autographed copy of their favorite book. If they say no, let it go—but if they agree, use this opportunity to promote yourself and build relationships with other potential customers who might want the same thing as your current client!

If possible, make sure the item is something that will actually benefit both parties: don’t just give away stickers or pens because they’re free; make sure there’s value in exchange (for example, if someone buys a shirt from me at my store and I’m donating 10% of its profits towards charity).

You don’t have to go broke to be a direct seller.

When you’re a direct seller, your business is not run by an employer. This means that you are responsible for all of the expenses related to running your business as well as paying taxes on what you earn from it. It’s important that you are aware of how much money needs to be set aside each month so that you don’t end up in debt or overspending on things like vacations and other luxuries. It’s also important not to take advantage of tax breaks whenever possible; this can save thousands of dollars over time!

So, if you’re ready to start earning more money as a direct seller, we hope these tips will help! Remember that the key to success is being smart about your finances. Use some of these strategies, and others that might be even better suited to your particular situation, so that they work in harmony with one another. Don’t forget: saving money is all about having good habits and making smart decisions—and if you do that? You’ll be able to enjoy every minute of this exciting journey as well as any future ones!