The Basics of Direct Selling


Direct selling is one of the most booming and in-demand industry right now. While a lot of it was helped on by the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown that follow, there is no denying that direct selling network marketing is the future. But what is the direct selling industry? What makes it better than other business, and why should you look into being a direct selling entrepreneur if you want to achieve success and freedom. As a website dedicated to the direct selling industry and about running a successful direct selling company, here are some of the things that you have to know about direct selling.

What is direct selling?

Direct selling a business model where a direct selling company sells its products directly from a manufacturer to its customers through a direct selling distributor. The distributor is responsible for making the sale and marketing the product and is also allowed to keep whatever profits they make from it. Direct selling companies use the network marketing model of business to increase your sales and profits by getting more people to join as part of your sales team.

What is the network marketing model?

Many direct selling companies use the network marketing model of business to sell their product. In the network marketing business model, you can recruit more people under you to increase your network and sell more easily. In addition, the people who you have recruited to your sales team can recruit others to their sales team, and in effect, grow your sales team further.

Benefits of Direct Selling

 There are many reasons why direct selling has become one of the fastest-growing and influential industries of the 21st century. This includes

Direct Selling allows you to have freedom

Freedom: What attracts most people towards a career as a direct seller is its freedom. A direct selling distributor for a top direct selling company in India can choose their own working hours, the amount of time they spent on their business, their business plan and how they want to grow it. Yes, if you put in less time and effort into your business, your profits will be less, at least in the initial stage. This makes it especially good for women as many of them are forced to choose between running a family and having a career. Direct selling companies allow them to have both without sacrificing much.

Entrepreneurship: A developing country like India needs to invest heavily in its youth and promote entrepreneurs. But two obstacles slow down the growth of entrepreneurs: the lack of investment and business idea. Many direct selling companies allow you to start a business of your own for a very low investment. They also provide you with the products that you will be selling. These products are top-of-the-line products that have been successful in the past, making your job as a direct seller easier.

Direct Selling improves entrepreneurships

No Bars: One of the biggest challenges facing India’s employment market is that most employers want to experience or a degree from a reputed college. But sadly, a large portion of the country cannot afford it. There are also a few instances where people from certain sex, religion or caste are given preference, making the entire ordeal of getting a job in India hard. However, almost anyone can be a direct seller. In fact, they can succeed as a direct seller. All you need is hard work and the dedication to succeed.

There seems to be no confusion in the fact that the direct selling industry is expected to grow more than ever in the coming years. In fact, the direct selling industry is expected to employ more than 18 million people in India by 2025 and worth over Rs. 64,500 crore. By joining a direct selling company today, you can be part of the revolution.