Should I join QNET?


One of the most common questions that I get when I tell people that I work as a QNET direct seller is – should I join QNET? My answer to them has always been the same. It is and should only be your call on whether you should or should not join QNET! But what I can do is to help you know more about the company and the industry so that you may take a better and smarter decision. By reading this article, you will be one step closer to finding the answer to the question: should I join QNET! But remember, these are just benefits and advantages that I got for myself and helped me make a decision. You should also consider each point and make an educated call after that!

Why Join QNET

The promise of financial freedom

While people always go behind a paycheque, what you should be looking for is financial freedom. Financial freedom means having enough money or income sources to be able to live life without financial worries. When you are financially free and do not have to worry about where your next paycheque will be from, you can live your life on your own terms. If there is one point that you take away from this article, it is the importance of being financially free and why you should strive for it.

A flexible work style

We are not meant to be locked in an office and spend most of the day working in front of a laptop. We are supposed to be free, working at times that you feel is appropriate for us. No one wants to work from 9 to 5 anymore. Especially since the start of the global pandemic, with most companies allowing for work from home, people have realised that their jobs can be completed from the comfort of their homes and based on their timings. This has created a situation where people are unwilling to return to their office spaces and continue working from home. Joining QNET as a direct seller is a very definition of having a flexible work style. You get to decide which hours of the day you have to work and for how long, all in the comfort of your home. Want to hang out with your friends or party with your family? Just take the day off! But remember, you only get what you put into the business.

A second paycheque

One of the best pieces of advice I received from my mentor was to diversify my sources of income. If you want to be truly rich and financially free, then you cannot depend on just one source of income. That is why it is important to diversify your income sources. One of the best things about being a QNET entrepreneur is that you can run your QNET business in parallel with your normal job. This is again thanks to the flexible work style that the business allows you to have. In fact, many of your favourite QNET entrepreneurs started selling with QNET while still retaining their day jobs, at least till they were able to turn it into a sustainable model.

Better Work-life balance

How many times have you felt sad or depressed at work because you had to miss an important event in your family or friends’ life due to deadlines? QNET India, or any direct selling business for that matter, helps you to achieve a good work-life balance. When you are not forced or mandated to spend hours toiling in the office, you get more time to spend with your family and loved ones. Yes, running a business will require you to make some sacrifices. But you will be more in control of them and have the authority to make the decisions.

Starting a business empowers you

One of the most important benefits of running a successful business is how empowering it is. When you run a successful business and are able to handle all the obstacles that come your way, you will be able to a level of confidence and self-love that cannot be expressed. Yes, there will be hard times and obstacles where you wish you could stop. But overcoming them is what makes a successful QNET entrepreneur.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a successful QNET entrepreneur? Then head to the QNET India page and start your journey today!