Pre-Requisites to Becoming Your Own Boss


It is such a nice feeling to being your own boss! There have been countless people who have gone against the norm, carving a path of their own. And, they have been successful too in being their own boss. So, is working hard and learning a lot the only way to achieving this goal? According to Walt Disney, “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them” can hold. You need to be thoughtful and keep an eye on the opportunities around you. Stepping into the world of Direct Selling can offer you an excellent opportunity to be your own boss – You do not have to invest big, nor there are any qualification criteria. Let us find out the pre-requisites to becoming your own boss.

Are you ready to Start Your Business Yet?

Having decided to be independent, you need to ask yourself why you want to be your own boss. And the most likely answer to the question could be that you want to spend the rest of your life in your own way. Possibly you want to pursue a passion, earn big money, want a flexible work schedule, desire the freedom to live and work anywhere on the globe. In short, you want work that interests you and one that you enjoy doing. Fair enough, what next then?

Evaluate Your Current Situation

Once you have decided to take the plunge, you need to evaluate your current situation and the skills you possess. For example, you may be having a family to support. Therefore, you need to calculate your monthly spending; you need to know the fallback savings you have; you should know the amount of time and money you can invest in the new business and how you will cope with your family responsibilities. Evaluating these questions can give you a clear picture of proceeding further. Apart from that, you should also be aware of your strengths and weaknesses and know your skills. Doing so will give you to confidence to go ahead.

Plan the Transition Phase

Planning the transition phase is crucial to your ambition in becoming your own boss. If you are already working, there could be two routes for you to go about it. You can either go all out after setting aside at least six months of expenses before quitting your job or start your business in parallel and quit later once you are earning enough money.

Choose a Tried and Tested Business Model

After doing the groundwork in evaluating your present and foreseeing the future, you need to opt for a business that is a tried-and-tested model. When the goal is to be your own boss, the three best ways of doing a business that involves minimal investment include Freelancing, Consulting & Coaching, and E-commerce. Once you are done with all the above, identify your target market and reap the moolahs coming your way!

Direct Selling: No Pre-requisites to Becoming Your Own Boss!

In the preceding section, we delved into the points that one should evaluate and consider before taking the plunge in starting their own business in the quest of becoming their own boss. Direct Selling or Multilevel Marketing is a business that has no pre-requisites. If you have the passion for sales or desire to generate a second income, the opportunity to be your own boss lies here. You are immediately designated as an Independent Representative or a Distributor on joining hands with a Multilevel Marketing company. With minimal or negligible investment involved and achieving the dream of building your business, it offers a great opportunity for you to become your own boss.

A Word of Caution when Choosing Your Direct Selling Company

In your quest to become independent and, in the process, be your own boss, the above discussion and options can excite you. However, it would help if you were cautious when partnering with a Direct Selling Company. Many companies incorporate the pyramid business model, which could be a disastrous choice for you since any products do not back these companies. Further, you should partner with a company that is has a credible track record and has a sustainable business. You should also take care to know the products of the company and if they suit your interests. Doing all the groundwork well is half the battle won on the road to success. Become your own boss and let the world know it too.