Mentoring Downline to Grow Your Network Marketing Business


Marketing trends are evolving and changing completely the way businesses are run. The Network Marketing trend, also known as Multilevel Marketing (MLM) or Direct Selling, adopted by several companies, and uses the MLM business model to attract many customers. Direct Sales teams conduct door-to-door or in-person marketing that requires specific personality types for success. Though there are no criteria for Direct Sellers to join a Direct Selling company, they need to grow their team – popularly called their downline to grow their Network Marketing business. Mentoring downline is a responsibility that falls on the upline or the person who recruited them to the business. The importance of mentoring downline cannot be emphasised enough.

Creating an Active Downline Facilitates Your Direct Sales Growth

Recruiting goal-oriented and active members in your sales team, also known as your downline, and managing and mentoring them well can help your business to experience exponential growth in a short time and scale rapidly. There are several ways in which you can recruit new members to your team. You may place online advertisements in job or college internship forums emphasizing financial opportunities provided by your business. You can focus on career advancement opportunities. Another way to recruit new members is by motivating your existing recruits and giving them financial incentives.

Manage Your Downline to Grow in your Network Marketing Business

You need to sponsor or recruit more salespeople in a Network Marketing business as part of your team – popularly known as your downline. This type of multilevel structure enables you to earn a financial incentive for the sales generated by your downline. Recruiting new members to build your downline can be a challenge. Members you recruit must be self-motivated and eager to make financial gains by growing their businesses. Some of the effective ways in which you can keep your downline activated are:

Implement a Program that Advances their Career

You can do so by promoting performing members in your downline as trainers and later as leaders to manage a team below them. Educating your sales team and conducting monthly or weekly briefings about sales techniques and communication skills can help. You can encourage your team to set goals and update their marketing skills for their success.

Designate Downline Team to Fertile Areas by Footing the Bill

You can replicate your sales team in new areas by setting up top sales leaders in their offices. The newly appointed personnel are bound to pay back for the startup expenses incurred and will soon become your own subsidiary businesses.

Lead by Example and Keep in Touch

Just telling is not enough; you need to show! Preach what you teach is the mantra. Show your downline the work you dedicate to your own business and share with them the tricks and strategies to deploy for success. Occasionally, you may even offer to work with them and give them a helping hand. Always ensure to keep in regular contact with your downline. It helps to generate a strong relationship and let them know your strong support. Periodically check with them to understand how they are going and offer help to their problems.

Remind your Downline why they are into the Business

It is always a good idea to talk to each of your downline members personally and keep reminding and encouraging them about their reasons for joining the Network Marketing business program. A pep talk can indeed help downline members motivate themselves, especially when struggling or slipping in their activities.

Sponsoring and building your downline requires persistent efforts from your side to keep your team active and self-motivated. Doing so is important for you to grow your business along with earning a residual income.

The Closing Remarks

You will continue sponsoring new members in your downline as you develop and grow your Network Marketing business. Each member then looks up to you as a mentor. You need to support them, guide them, and help them to solve any of their problems. Doing so will keep them encouraged and motivated. As the businesses of your downline members grow, it will also grow yours indirectly! So, you need to ensure the growth of your team members. All the best.