How to Build Confidence in Your Direct Selling?


Direct sales businesses are successful for many different reasons, but one of the most important is the confidence people see in you. As a business depends on the relationships you build with others, you need to be able to prove yourself to your customers. Your customers will know you’re great when you believe you are. Selling is about transferring confidence. You have the responsibility as a sales representative to transfer the confidence you have in your offer to your customers, so they believe more in your confidence than they doubt.

10 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Direct Selling

Practice Makes Perfect

As an example, if you lack confidence in the way you present your sales pitch, practicing in front of the mirror can help you develop confidence. Next, teach your presentation to your kids’ stuffed animals. For the brave and ambitious, consider recording yourself on video. When you feel more comfortable with what you’re doing, perform in front of a few close family members to keep practicing. Take note of where you excelled and where you’d like to improve. This will give you a more accurate idea of how others perceive you as well as helps you to know your strengths and weaknesses.

Find a Mentor

What is Mentoring?

One of the most successful mentor relationships is between the mentor and the protégé. Start by looking up your upline, most likely the person that presented you with the opportunity. However, if this person is not available, the manager may be able to refer you to other successful and experienced consultants within your organization or others to help you increase your self-esteem through pep talks, networking events, etc. Try to watch your mentor in action. For example, ask if he or she regularly tops the sales list. If so, ask if you can accompany him or her during a sales presentation or home party. The main key to an effective mentor relationship is to have someone who you trust and respect. You may come away from experience with some fresh ideas you can implement in your own method.

Find a Partner

How to Build Confidence in Your Direct Selling?

Contrary to a mentor, a partner doesn’t have to be someone associated with the business. Sometimes our best partners are those who have already become part of our lives and are willing to act as our cheerleaders. Make a list of what you want and need in a partner and share your ideas with them. Having a close friend or relative who can celebrate your accomplishments and heighten your self-esteem are great qualities in a partner.  Never ever underestimate the power of having someone who will stand by you no matter what.

Dress for Success

Although it might seem obvious when we are self-conscious about our appearance, this affects our entire being; others can sense our lack of confidence. Wear something comfortable when you leave the house for a training session or sales demo, for example. A well-fitting outfit should be appropriate for the occasion (not too casual, not too dressy) and should display appropriate accessories and hairstyles. A well-put-together appearance reveals professionalism, confidence, and competence.

Sit Up Straight

It will not just make you feel better physically, but it will also make you feel more professional. Slouching compresses the lungs, which inhibits deep breathing (which is imperative for feeling relaxed). The exercise is a natural confidence booster, and it takes no effort to perform. To make sure that you remember, you can post notes in your office so that you will be reminded to sit up straight and take a deep breath before your next call.

Focus and Build Upon Strength Areas

10 Ways to Build Confidence in Your Direct Selling

Salespeople who are self-aware realize their strengths and work to develop them. This does not come from arrogance but from being self-aware. Help your reps identify areas they naturally excel in and coach them on how to enhance them. Naturally, this will help them improve in that area, but even more importantly, it will build their self-confidence when they have to deal with challenging material.

Replace Negative Energy with Positive Influences

Surround your salespeople with successful, goal-oriented people. This is an excellent way to build confidence. In order to motivate others to achieve, sales managers should be positive and confident themselves and avoid negativity whenever possible. People who are optimistic, positive and positive can inspire others. New sales representatives can be paired with mentors who can help them develop their skills and become more confident.

Learn from the Success of Others

Support others

Sales leaders should create a culture where salespeople share “tribal knowledge.” When one member of your sales team succeeds, congratulate him or her, and ask him or her to tell the team about their success. In the process, they’ll improve their own skills and become more confident. Moreover, they’ll help their team members achieve the same level of success.

Master the Fundamentals

Sales professionals shouldn’t feel insecure unless they know every step of the sales process like the back of their hand. For this reason, every step in the sales process should be familiar to them. With effective training, salespeople can become accustomed to the steps of the sales process so that they don’t get confused when they’re with customers.

Slow Down

You will find your listener will have difficulty understanding your message if you rush to finish your sentences. Speaking slowly and clearly will help you to better express your ideas and help your listener to fully understand what you are trying to communicate. If you practice deep breathing prior to calling, you will feel less stressed and more relaxed.