How to Future-Proof Your Network Marketing Business


Life is full of uncertainties, and so are businesses – yes, even the Direct Selling business. No one knows what will happen the next hour, tomorrow, and after that. Despite advancements in technology and medical research, no one anticipated the Covid-19 pandemic to continue affecting us for so long. Just like in life, businesses also face risks and uncertainties and cannot be foreseen. Like any other business, your Network Marketing business – also called Multilevel Marketing (MLM) or Direct Selling business, needs to build flexibility and develop worst-case scenarios to face uncertainties and make it future-proof.

The Right Marketing Strategy can Ensure Sustainability of Your Direct Sales Business

Technological advancements keep happening and changing over time and can affect every industry’s sales and marketing strategies. Do you have a robust marketing strategy in place for your Direct Sales business? How frequently do you review or analyse the success or failure of those strategies? Some of the marketing tactics or tricks being used today might not simply work in the future. That is the reason why you take a hard look at your marketing strategy so that they do not get redundant over time and are future-proof, ensuring the sustainability of your sales and revenues. And if you do not have any strategy yet, build one that is productive and optimized for success.

Business women conducting an interactive meeting

Steps to Safeguard and Future-Proof Your Network Marketing Business

The way we live today has changed a lot, especially after the Covid19 pandemic. When most industries took a hit due to the pandemic, the Direct Selling industry was the one that stood out. Adjusting to the conditions and quickly adopting advanced technology and online means of marketing made a big difference to its increased sales and revenues. Though the industry did not anticipate the dire conditions, it was fortunate to sniff the opportunity and implemented the right marketing strategy that became popular with the tech-savvy consumer. But time will not wait for anyone in the future, not even for the Network Marketing industry, and there can be other calamities or challenges cropping up. Therefore, you need to safeguard your interests by ensuring to future-proof your Multilevel Marketing business. Let us find out how you can do that.

Recruit Right People from Diverse Background

The success or failure of your marketing strategies depends upon the team you form. Therefore, you to recruit a strong and motivated team – called your downline in the MLM industry.  Ensure that the members possess the necessary skills to generate leads or write cold emails. Ensure that your recruits are conversant in talking to customers on the phone. Experts in the industry believe that companies will succeed if they have an equal combination of inside and outside sales representatives; apart from skills, the background of team members matters. To succeed in a global or a wider local environment, recruiting people with different industry experiences or cultures and educational backgrounds will enable you to remain competitive going ahead.

The Most Important Skills for an Entrepreneur to Succeed

Lay Stress of Refining Your Pitch   

The countdown to convert a prospect into a customer begins the moment you meet your lead. Remember, creating that first impression is very important. The success of your sale can depend on the instantaneous decision of your potential customer. Once in front of your prospect, you have a limited time catching the pulse and knowing their interest. So, avoid self-praise or patting your back; you could lose the deal. Instead, the good idea is to treat your potential customers as being busy. Keep your initial pitch short, maybe a couple of sentences and concentrate on explaining the core values of your business. If the conversation gets going, share your activity, share how your customers triumph over challenges, and what separates you from the rest

. Always keep in mind, the leads discussed above and contacted by you are your best ones since you have delivered value via an email or a phone call. That is why you should take extra care and stress refining and practising your pitch before meeting your potential customer.

Invest in Right Marketing Tools

Being abreast of the right set of digital tools will enable you to remain productive in the longer run. It is essential for you to always adopt a fast-paced sales and marketing strategy by using advanced technology and leveraging the affordable internet. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is considered by many as an effective sales tool that allows filtering of millions of accounts that fit your ideal buyer persona. Then there is Google Alerts that enables you to experiment with brand monitoring for potential gains.

Conclusion: It is always better to have a backup plan for your business strategies.

It is famously said in the business world; there are no gains without taking risks. And further, uncertainty forms a major concerning part of any business. Therefore, to be a successful Direct Selling entrepreneur and a top leader, you need to appreciate uncertainty and be ready to face it as it appears. It is always safe to have backup measures and strategies to counter uncertain times. The Covid-19 pandemic has taught the industry a lesson or two. Therefore, it is important for you, as Direct Seller, to safeguard your interests and ensure that you implement a flexible and future-proof business strategy. All the best.