How to Choose a Genuine Network Marketing Company


Several Networking Marketing Companies exist today, giving you a wide range of opportunities and options to collaborate with. However, not all those companies, also referred to as Multilevel Marketing Companies (MLM) or Direct Selling Companies, are genuine – some crop up overnight with the sole intention to swindle away your money while others that could be genuine may not hold a good track record for various reasons including rewarding its partners – popularly referred to as Sales Representatives. It indeed is a tricky situation to tap the right Direct Selling Company. This write-up guides you on how to choose the a genuine Network Marketing Company.

Ensure that the Company has been Around for At Least Five Years

When you have finally decided and taken an informed decision to collaborate with a Network Marketing Company, you will always want to put in your efforts that pay off for a long time into the future. Therefore, you should choose a company that has been around for quite some time with a decent track record – choose a company that has been around for at least five years or more. It is interesting to note that ninety percent of all Direct Selling Companies collapse within the first two years of their existence. So, it would help if you verified this count to help you avoid investing precious time and resources in a company that could vanish with months.

Ensure that the Company Offers Unique Products

If any Network Marketing Company offers products or services that are readily available elsewhere and, along with that, also at discounted rates, why will anyone want to buy from it? Therefore, you should avoid partnering with a company whose products or services have competition. Further, you may even try to determine whether the company is expanding its network or just into product sales. In addition, it will help you to analyze and make sure that the business is legal. Finally, it is better to think long term. If the product or service offered by a Network Marketing Company does not have a long-term appeal, it will become difficult for you to generate a residual income. For example, the health and wellness category has a long-term appeal and usually found to perform better.

Tips to Start Your Direct Selling Business

Ensure that the Company is Firmly Capitalized

For any company to grow, it requires sufficient capital. It is mainly required to maintain a good infrastructure, attract talented human resources, and to keep pace with technology. Further, capital is required by the company to pay your commissions! Therefore, you need to verify that the MLM company you wish to partner with is solvent – by this, it means that the company has sufficient capital flow to meet all the expenses. Once you have verified that, you can proceed ahead confidently.

Ensure that the Earning Potential in the Company Meets Your Expectation

It is mainly the earning potential that attracts someone to collaborate with a Direct Selling Company. Therefore, of prime importance to you is that after ensuring that the company has been around for more than five years and offers unique products or services, you should know beforehand that the income or commissions offered to meet your expectations! Some MLM companies have a condition to purchase a package to sign up, followed by adding new members in your downline. Ensure that the commission compensates for the initial amount you invested. Investing huge only to find a minimal Return on Investment (RoI) down the line can be discouraging as you also need to finance your network marketing and expansion efforts.

Ensure that One who Introduces you to the Company is Committed to Your Success

There is a big difference between a sponsor and a recruiter. Usually, a sponsor will take all the pains to coach, motivate, and train you. On the other hand, a recruiter signs up individuals, and in many instances, abandons them after collecting their commission. If the person who introduces you to the company knows very well that their success lies in the hands of their downline, they are bound to be committed to your success. Once you know this and made sure that the company is strong in offering unique products or services, it augurs well, and you should step in positively.

The Closing Comments

Once you have ensured to take care of the above-discussed pointers, you can confidently partner with the Multilevel Marketing Company you have finalized. It can indeed be fun working with your business partner and, along with it ensuring a good income. Working together will help you to build a long-term business association and help you to set hold in the network marketing world. The rest is up to you to make it a success, and with a genuine network marketing company, it is very much achievable. So, go ahead. Wish you all the best.