History of Direct Selling in India


Direct selling is a business model where the seller directly sells their product or service to customers. It’s also called “word-of-mouth” marketing, because it works by letting consumers tell others about the products they like. Direct selling has been around for many years, but it’s only recently become more popular in India. In fact, there are now several million direct sellers in India—and that number is growing rapidly!

The History of Direct Selling in India

The history of direct selling in India dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The first direct selling company in India was started by a man named George Samuel, who opened his own business called “The Asiatic Exposition Company” in Madras (now known as Chennai). He sold various items like soap and shampoo, but later expanded his product line to include jewelry and watches.

In 1923, another man named Natarajan Venkatachalam came up with an idea to sell books through door-to-door salesmen instead of stores or shops; this was one step closer towards what would eventually become modern day direct selling!

Direct Selling: A Contemporary Business Model in India

Direct selling is a business model that has been around for more than 100 years. However, the current direct selling industry in India is still in its infancy stage compared to other countries like the US and China. The first direct sales company was started in India by Mr.Dhinubhai Ambani in 1972 when founded Reliance Industries Limited (RIL). Today, there are over 20 million people who sell product this the direct selling model across India. Many prominent international direct selling companies such as QNET took its roots in India during this time.

Direct Selling is the Future of Retailing in India

Direct selling is the future of retailing in India. With direct selling, you can make money and earn new friends, while learning new things.

Direct sales companies are booming in India and they’re going to continue to grow because they offer more value than other businesses do. Companies like QNET and Natura sell products directly to consumers through their own websites or mobile apps. This benefits you as you don’t have to go anywhere else for your purchase if you don’t want!

Is this the Best time for Direct Selling in India?

You may wonder if this is the best time for direct selling in India. The answer is yes, but there are some caveats. The first thing to note is that we’re talking about a country where economic growth has slowed significantly over the past few years and will likely continue to do so for some time. That means lower job creation opportunities, fewer jobs available and higher unemployment rates (The latter of which could mean more people looking for work)

We also live in an age when technology has become more ubiquitous than ever before – a trend which may be beneficial if your business model relies on mobile phones or websites as part of its strategy but could also put pressure on margins because of data costs or other business expenses related to maintaining an online presence 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and beyond.

But lets’ take things one step further: what if you want all those benefits without having burden at all? That’s exactly what we meant when we said “no burden.”

The truth is that there are direct selling companies in India that don’t require you to spend any of your own time building an online presence. You won’t have to worry about the cost of maintaining your website or mobile app, either. These companies do all those things for you.

How is Direct Selling Done?

Direct selling is a business model that involves independent business owners selling products directly to customers. These distributors sell the products they order in their own homes or through local retail stores, and then earn money from the sales they make. The distributors’ earnings are often used to pay for their expenses (such as marketing). Some of them may also be able to use this money for personal spending and even invest it in other businesses.

Direct Selling is a Sound Business Model with Huge Potential.

Direct selling is a sound business model with huge potential. It’s an excellent way to earn extra income, build your business, meet new people and improve your social life.

Direct selling also offers many other benefits:

You can make money from home without worrying about having to commute or leave the house during the day. You don’t need any special skills or qualifications for this job. All you need is some motivation and desire for success!

The process works well because it doesn’t require much effort on your part. All you have to do is find products that interest you enough so as not too get bored when talking about them with others (such as yourself).

This concludes the history of direct selling in India. Direct selling is the future of retailing in India. The Indian consumer has changed and is now more adventurous, willing to try new things and experiment. He or she wants to be treated like a VIP and has the money to buy what they want when they want it. Direct selling offers a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to sell their products directly to consumers through an internet-based platform.