Embrace Digital Ways to Accelerate Your Business Growth


All along, we have known the Sales Representatives or Independent Representatives in the Direct Selling industry selling company products by directly approaching their prospects or customers in a non-retail environment. However, the advancement of technology and internet availability at affordable rates has completely changed the way Direct Selling is carried out. As with most companies who, after the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, have adopted the Work From Home (WFH) culture has also influenced the Direct Selling Industry, also known as Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Network Marketing Industry. This article discusses some of the basic digital ways to accelerate your business growth.

Digital Transformation – Driving Customer Experience

Adapting to the new technology has been a challenge for most companies and enterprising individuals. It compels them to change how their businesses are run. As far as Direct Sellers go, today, they no longer approach their prospects directly. But optimize the various online services to make the initial interaction for fixing up an in-person meeting. This is to showcase their product or service or give a demo. And the most interesting part is that it is not the companies that are putting into practice.

Customer First has always been the mantra of most organization. That is the main reason why the customers’ journey is dictating the digital strategies of several companies to stay relevant and in prominence! As per research from IDC, several CEOs of 2,000 companies of Global are set to move away from traditional. Offline strategies to digital ones to improve the customer experience. And, Direct Sellers, whose companies firmly back them, are no exception to this. So, embracing digital ways is a mantra to accelerate your business growth .

Generating Leads Online or Obtaining Readily Available Data Lists

Embrace Digital Ways to Accelerate Your Business Growth

The impact of online lead generation can indeed be effective. Direct Sellers are today implementing their lead generating websites designed to showcase their products and services to prospects and customers and make it easy for them to know their value proposition, download critical information, or request a proposal.

Those Direct Sellers who are not so conversant with implementing their websites have the option to buy readily available phone lists. Or email lists from data providers as per their requirements based on age group, gender, demography, and so on. If purchased from reputed data providers, such data lists can be highly effective in helping Direct Sellers. It helps to reach their prospects as they are verified and regularly updated.

Optimizing Mobile Services to Reach Prospects

Today’s world is heavily dependent on mobile apps that seem to have invaded every sphere of business. Once you have ready your phone lists targeting your audience, you can start campaigns using mobile services:

  • You can directly call to introduce yourself and talk about the products or services you sell, followed by sending intro material over SMS or WhatsApp. After the prospect has shown interest, you can fix up a meeting with them, and this initial meeting need not necessarily be in person. You can again use technology by using one of the several video conferencing software that helps you to hold a meeting from the comforts of your home.
  • You can invite your prospect to attend one of the company webinars that introduces the company and its product and explains their MLM compensation model.

Implementing E-mail Marketing Strategy

Mail marketing has been one of the oldest forms of marketing and still relevant today. At times, you may have a data list wherein when you call a prospect over the phone and receiver does not respond. In such a scenario, it is sensible to send a mailer describing your company. Showcase its products and highlighting the potential to earn as an Independent Representative by partnering with the company. If you do not see any reply, you may send a few follow-up emails. If the receiver responds, you can start connecting with him directly over the phone and take it further.

The Basic Digital Strategies to Accelerate your Business Growth

Several other digital strategies accelerate your Direct Selling, including Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click Advertising, Social Media Networking, Blogging, and so on. However, we have discussed the most common and effective digital strategies that anyone, even a non-tech savvy person, can get started with. The digital ways discussed above could become the cornerstone of your marketing plan in the future. Always bear in mind, a combination of online marketing and traditional marketing is a powerful one. Optimize their benefits and see your sales grow. All the best.