Direct Selling Industry – Transitioning from Offline to Online Ways


Ever since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has been reeling under the economic and unemployment crisis. The industries that joined the online universe and became an integral part of the e-commerce activities managed to stay afloat. The Direct Selling Industry that stood out emerged as a lifesaver. The Direct Selling companies, also known as Multilevel Marketing (MLM) or Network Marketing companies, allowed customers, sellers, and consumers to shop and sell conveniently and follow the social distancing guidelines. This article discusses the transition of the Direct Selling companies from offline to online ways.

The Direct Selling Industry Traditionally Operated Offline

The First Direct Selling company that was known to exist was established in 1855, which sold books and bibles through snail mail orders and later began selling them door-to-door. This offline trend continued for a long time till recently. All along, many global brands and entrepreneurial companies used Direct Selling as a retail channel to market products or services directly to consumers without any intermediaries or retail stores in between. Direct Selling companies’ partner with consultants, popularly known as Sales Representatives or Independent Representatives, to sell their products or services.

However, these representatives are not directly on the company payrolls but work on their own and are handsomely compensated in commissions and recruiting other representatives – known as their downline. The advent of the Internet and the online connectivity modes that include computers, laptops, and smartphones have changed the way Direct Selling is done today – it has moved from offline to online.

Online Ways – Capturing the Imagination of Tech-Savvy Consumers

Direct Selling Industry - Transitioning from Offline to Online Ways

The Condid-19 pandemic, though unfortunate, provided an excellent opportunity for Direct Sellers. The frequent lockdowns to counter the spread of the virus and other restrictions confined consumers to their homes. Sensing the need of the hour to deliver helpless consumers with their daily needs and other requirements, the Direct Selling companies leveraged the Internet and adopted online ways to interact with their customers and prospects. The tech-savvy consumers were delighted at the online options available and the got their purchases delivered right at their doorsteps!

The eCommerce websites have indeed captured the imagination of consumers – they are able to compare prices of the brands without visiting the stores, study customer reviews, and conveniently make online payments. Unlike before, consumers were willing to buy online which soon became a norm in a very short time. The Direct Selling companies were excited at the prospects of their online sales going up. It gave them control over customer data and were able to create long-lasting relationships with them.

Online Ways – Enabling Direct Selling Companies to Improve their Sales and Revenues

The Direct Selling companies are today seeing a steady rise in their sales and revenues. Thanks mainly to adopting the online ways! They have been able to sustain their operations and revenues even during the testing pandemic times. The overall experience – from discovery to delivery, has been highly satisfying for the customers. Online sales have prompted even several categories like bottled water, food products, and art supplies to adopt these ways. eCommerce is proving to be a viable model for many niche products in the long run.

Online Ways – Making Life Easier for Direct Sellers

There is a strong reason why you must join hands with a Direct Selling company. You do not need any hi-fi qualification or prior experience. You do not need to invest heftily in infrastructure or inventory. With Direct Selling, you have the freedom to choose your working hours; you can work from the comforts of your home. And the online ways have even made your job simpler and easier. You can now connect with your prospects and customers using online modes like video conferencing, emailing, social media, and direct messaging. Smartphones have indeed propelled you to do even smarter things.

With the government boosting the Direct Selling industry with initiatives like Make in India, Vocal for Local, and Women Empowerment. The Indian Direct Selling Association (IDSA) taking the lead in introducing Direct Selling as a post-graduate course in a tie-up Shoolini University. Network Marketing can always be a good career choice or an opportunity. It helps to earn a second income to support your financial needs. The choice is yours; go for it without any second thoughts, but always decide to choose the right Direct Selling company.