Database Marketing for Your Direct Selling Business


Customer databases enable businesses to target their audience based on various parameters like gender, age group, location, etc. By using customer databases, businesses can implement personalization in their social media and email marketing campaigns. Database marketing can effectively help you strategize your marketing activities and provide opportunities in improving your Network Marketing business – also known as Direct Selling or Multilevel Marketing (MLM) business. This article discusses how database marketing can help grow your Network Marketing business.

What is Database Marketing?

Database marketing

We live in a world that is more data-driven today than ever before. Companies collect their customer data that is useful in understanding their buying preference, history, and behaviour. But collecting data and database marketing, though inter-related, cannot be described in the same breath.

Database marketing, also interchangeably referred to as Customer Relationship Management (CRM), is a type of direct marketing that enables Network Marketers to use the data accumulated or obtained in databases to give a personalized experience to their prospects and customers.

Database marketing enables a Direct Selling business to efficiently reach its target audiences by determining what its prospects or customers expect and optimizing its marketing efforts accordingly. Database marketing helps Network Marketing to create personalized messages and experiences for its audience. It helps to boost its Return on Investment (ROI).

Database Marketing – An Advantage for Direct Sellers

As per a study by Forbes, adopting data-driven marketing by companies gave them the advantage to be competitive and increase profitability. And that is why implementing database marketing matters in today’s digitally transforming world. Offering personalized content at the most opportune moment is vital for Network Marketing else, you can end up wasting valuable opportunities to outshine your competitors. Database marketing can help Direct Sellers to time relevant messages to be delivered to their customers or subscribers. Some advantages of database marketing for Network Marketing companies include:

  • Identifying loyal customers,
  • Segmenting customers and prioritizing them,
  • Deriving real-time customer insights using their buying patterns, and
  • Using customer feedback and behaviour to devise marketing strategies.
Woman using her phone

There are several ways in which you can create your databases. You may do so by dedicating yourself to lead generation using various strategies like content marketing, web forms, deal transactions, email marketing, social media, webinars and events, surveys, offers, discounts, etc. Carrying out lead generation yourself can be slow and time-consuming, and over some time, the data you collect can decay. A quick way to obtain customer data is to obtain it from a reputed data provider. Some data providers can give updated, verified, segmented, and customized databases regularly refreshed from decaying. Using such databases containing the verified phone numbers, email ids, and other personal data can quickly start your database marketing to grow your Network Marketing business.

Conclusion: Use collected data or readily available data to your advantage.

It is famously said that data is the new oil! We are in a digitally transforming world where technology and the Internet have taken communication between businesses and consumers to an altogether new level. The latest trend in digital marketing – database marketing is an interactive approach used by marketers using communication channels like email, mobile, and so on to the market. It enables Direct Sellers to extend their reach and target their audience to showcase their products or services. It helps to drive sales and to stay close to their target audience. Network Marketing that traditionally depended on person-to-person interaction to sell company products or services has undergone a big shift towards online ways of marketing. And it is database marketing that is helping you to drive your Multilevel Marketing business. Network Marketing is appealing. You can build your profitable business by leveraging database marketing. All the best.