Top 5 Benefits of Direct Selling in India


The Government of India stepping in with its various initiatives like Start-up India or Skill India has boosted the Direct Selling Industry significantly. So, the Direct Selling business, also referred to as Multilevel Marketing or Network Marketing business interchangeably isn’t destined to fail any more than any other business. The Direct Selling business is a win-win situation for both – the Direct Selling Company and the Independent Representatives of the company. This article will discuss how the Direct Sellers are benefitted from collaborating with the Direct Selling Company.

Multilevel Marketing – A Rapidly Growing Industry

Multilevel Marketing (MLM) is a type of business wherein Independent Representatives or Sales Representatives sell products or services and recruit new Independent Representatives. So, the Independent Representatives earn handsome commissions by selling products or services and recruiting new Sales Representative. Amway, Pampered Chef, Qnet, and Herbalife are the known companies that use MLM techniques.

The MLM business model is particularly appealing to those interested in working part-time and who want a flexible schedule. And those that come under this category include students, retired personnel, or mothers of young children. The appeal does not stop there; it also attracts those dissatisfied with their current work or those looking to generate an additional income. They believe that large corporations do not reward loyalty the way they did in the past. In an article for the Business Journal, Jeffrey Gitomer mentioned MLM as the least expensive, lowest risk, and the fastest path to achieving your dreams. In India, the Direct Selling Industry has been boosted by several government initiatives and is on the verge of exploding in the home-based business segment of the economy. We see how it particularly benefits the Direct Sellers after they partner with a Direct Selling Company in the sections ahead.

Minimal Investment and Low Risk

When it concerns starting a traditional business, there is always the fear of losing money or wasted time. Further, you may not even have clients at the initial stage, and the cost associated with starting a startup business holds many people back from entering the business world. However, there is very little risk involved in a Multi-level Marketing business, unlike in any traditional business. Therefore, it becomes possible for anyone to partner with an MLM business without bothering much about failure.

Does not Require Infrastructure or Staff

Multilevel Marketing or the Network Marketing business model enables anyone to start their business at low costs. It does not involve a hefty investment. Further, there is no requirement for infrastructure or staff. All this makes it a business that operates at low operating costs.

Freedom and Flexibility

Attaining freedom and flexibility in lifestyle is all possible once you are clear in your understanding of getting there and sharpening your marketing skills. And one of the biggest advantages of MLM business is that it brings out the best in you when it matters marketing because you have the passion and goal to achieve something. Network Marketing can help to provide you with a lifestyle that only rich people can think of. In an MLM business, you have the freedom to work from anywhere and the flexibility to work during convenient hours. You need to have the initial patience and need to put all the pieces together; once done, money generation will be on its way! In this business, you have total freedom – right from the financial angles to job security. You will always have total control over all your schedules.

High Income Potential

Generating wealth is what most yearn for when they enter the MLM business! What you generate depends on the efforts you put in, how you expand your network of contacts, and how you leverage online marketing techniques. The Direct Selling business enables you to generate as much income as you want, unlike regular jobs where you earn only a fixed amount per month irrespective of the efforts that you put in. What holds the key to success are the skill sets of any Network Marketer that are determined by their hard work, dedication, and ever willingness.

Portability – Thanks to the Internet

The portability that exists today in any business was just unthinkable fifteen years back. With the advancement in technology and globalization, you can today interact and connect to anyone in the world. All you need is access to the Internet, have a mobile, and you can continue doing your business from the comforts of your home. Or, for that matter, from wherever you are – you could be on the road, or on vacation, or in another location. Simply put, you can do your Direct Selling in India anytime, every time, and anywhere!

The Closing Remarks

Having discussed above the benefits of partnering with a Direct Selling Company as an Independent Representative, it is obvious how a great choice it is for those desiring to start their own business but do not want to take risks. With low investment costs and the potential for high income, the MLM business is indeed a lucrative option for you. So, step in now, and be a part of the Direct Selling Industry – You will never regret it.