Network Marketing – Away from Traditional Entrepreneurship


The rapid digital transformation of the world and the advancement in technology have ushered in many changes in the marketing world. Many youngsters today want to be entrepreneurs by starting their ventures. Today’s marketing ways are moving far away from traditional ways. A new trend is setting in, and the ‘traditional entrepreneur’ is moving towards businesses like Direct Selling, Network Marketing, Social Selling, or Multilevel Marketing. The advantage of these new businesses is that they require negligible startup costs, no inventory storage space, or no staff management. All that one needs is a smartphone or laptop with an internet connection and a strong will to succeed. Let us find how the new trend in marketing is attracting people to the Direct Selling Industry, also referred to as Multilevel Marketing or Network Marketing Industry. Network marketing has caused people to move away from traditional entrepreneurship and to look into newer modes of business.

Direct Selling Success Mantra – You Cannot Achieve It Overnight!

As is commonly said, “Haste leads to waste”, holds for today’s youngsters – they are in a hurry to achieve quick success. Being hooked onto a social media world full of perceptions and dreams, most youngsters dream of being successful entrepreneurs overnight and leading a luxurious life. Isn’t that the height of being unrealistic? How can anyone achieve success without going through the grinds in any business? And the latest trend in entrepreneurship – Direct Selling is no different from any other business. The success mantra, especially for the Direct Selling business, is a combination of consistency and persistency – being consistent, you reach success and being persistent, you continue to keep success with you!! Let us see how the Network Marketing business requires you to have basics, unlike traditional entrepreneurship.

Having Basic Sales & Marketing Knowledge a Must

Though there is no entry criteria or qualification required, unlike traditional marketing, the Network Marketing business is not about building your distribution network once and then forgetting it to enjoy life without doing anything. It would help if you were persistent in managing your team and its activities. But the good thing about Network Marketing is that you can automate some of your processes to some extent. Knowing the basic rules and processes of sales and marketing is a must; you also need to have strong communication and social media management skills and know how to pursue your sales.

Online Transacting and Meetings – The New Norm

Direct Selling is a home-based business that involves a person to person interaction to sell the company’s products. However, this trend has shifted post the Covid-19 pandemic. It is away from the physical board meetings and leverages the Internet by having online meetings and conferences.  Social media platforms are used extensively to showcase and sell brands. This remote work revolution has completely transformed and reconfigured the traditional entrepreneurship and working culture.

Little Investment and No Infra – A Big Advantage

Joining a Network Marketing company does not require you to invest big, nor do you need any special infrastructure – imagine an uneducated woman selling beauty products to her friends and relatives, imagine a retired person selling insurance to acquaintances, and both being rewarded handsomely for their sales in return. Unlike any traditional entrepreneurship, you do not even need to maintain any inventory, all of which is taken care of directly by the company.

The Covid-19 Pandemic – A Boon for the Direct Selling Industry

The tech-savvy generation has taken positively to eCommerce websites unleashed by several Multilevel Marketing companies. The youngsters and the elderly are comfortable placing orders online to make their purchases and receive them at their doorsteps conveniently. Being able to receive their daily needs and other necessities even in times of the extended lockdowns introduced during the pandemic, the consumers were not only put in their comfort zones, but it also increased their trust and dependence on the Direct Selling companies as a result of which the industry prospered, sustained its operations, and stayed afloat even when most industries were on the downturn during the pandemic and still struggling to come to return to normalcy. Indeed, the pandemic was a boon for the Direct Selling Industry!

Direct Selling – The Trend is Catching On

As an Independent Representative with a Direct Selling company, you are not just involved in sales; you also get a chance to better your personality and communication & relational skills. Direct Selling has the capacity and capability to reach even the remotest areas and smaller towns in the country. The industry is on a fast track and the idea of Network Marketing fast catching on. It is a win-win option – both for the company as well as the representative. Further, on its part, the government has boosted the industry with several initiatives and safeguarding the interests of the Independent Representatives. With the economy expected to be back on track and the Network Marketing Industry a good bit, it is the right time for you to step in.