Dos and Don’ts of Your Direct Selling Business


The flexible structure of the Multilevel Marketing (MLM) business and its huge earning potential has attracted people of all ages. The MLM business, also interchangeably referred to as Direct Selling or Network Marking or Referral Marketing business, is gaining rapid significance in India – thanks to the initiatives taken by the government in supporting it by way of its Make in India, Skill India, and Women Empowerment campaigns. However, on the flip side, not all those who step into the MLM world can achieve their dreams, and once their confidence is shattered, what flows is only frustration and anxiety. Having started confidently, no one cares to know why their business did not click if it fails. There are certain recommended rules and practices that one must know to succeed. This article lists the dos and don’ts of the Direct Selling business.

Direct Selling – A Powerful Advertising Strategy!

The Direct Selling business model is carefully crafted to elicit an immediate response from prospects and customers. In Direct Selling, you are required to offer something that your market wants, and it has nothing to do with creating markets or brand awareness. Further, Direct Selling is not about selling a product or service but a solution to a problem. Keeping this in mind, let us see the Dos and Don’ts in the Direct Selling Industry.

Dos of Direct Selling Business

Do believe in your product and business model. You have partnered with your MLM company after making an informed decision and knowing its products. Always remember that the products you are selling under the MLM compensation plan that includes the recruitment strategy are your earning potential and strengths. You must know them well when pitching about your business.

Do recruit motivated and active individuals. It is always advisable for you to recruit people who will be an asset to your network and active and motivated while building your MLM network. You should always know the reasons and capabilities of recruits before selecting or offering them your business.

Do implement an MLM Software Application. A utility MLM software is a better option than maintaining manual registers. It is cost-effective and helps save a lot of your valuable time to build relations.

Do leverage social media. A lot of people are hooked on social media platforms. It has become the norm of the day! Implementing a social media marketing strategy will always benefit you in generating leads and increasing your reach and visibility. Being active on well-known social media platforms can enable you to collaborate with people worldwide.

Do implement a content marketing strategy. Implementing an effective content management strategy can enable you to capture the imagination of enlightened customers. You may do so by posting blogs, articles, and other materials to update your readers about your products or services.

Don’ts of Direct Selling Business

Don’t fathom unrealistic expectations. Venturing into the Direct Selling or the MLM business is not a guarantee to get rich overnight. You need to be consistent in your approach and be persistent and patient to achieve your goals. Avoid giving big hopes when recruiting your downline under you. Instead, it is better to inspire and motivate them to work systematically with determination.

Don’t stop learning even after attaining success. The world never stops innovating – new trends and ideas keep coming up and adding to the existing knowledge pool. That is why you should never stop learning – it never ends. Keep reading books, imbibe good qualities of leaders, and implement best practices to drive your business to further heights.

Don’t waste time. When it matters to any business, time is valuable, like money. It would help if you always stuck to your prepared schedule without fail. Managing your time is of utmost importance, and you should make the most of your resources.

Don’t ignore or underestimate technology. The advancement in technology combined with the power of the Internet has revolutionized businesses across the world. It is always advisable to adopt the power of new technologies and be abreast of the transformation.

Don’t be arrogant. Never underestimate anyone, especially when you approach your prospects. Be polite to all, and never be arrogant; you never know about their hidden potential!


This article has made all the efforts in helping you to understand, educate and alert you about the dos and don’ts of the Direct Selling Industry. You need to know that even the smallest of wrong mannerisms or actions can trigger a downturn of your MLM business – after all, you are in an industry where the word-of-mouth news spreads like fire. Inculcate all the best practices and the dos and don’ts discussed above and see your Network Marketing go a long way.