Must-Have Traits for Successful Direct Selling 


It is probably the most difficult question there is to answer, at least for me, and I cannot recall any time when I answered it in the same way twice. It is very difficult to define what it means to be a leader no matter what the context. Often, it is unlikely that a single definition of leadership will adequately describe a set of characteristics that can be used to every kind of leadership situation, despite thousands of words, hundreds of books, and dozens of business gurus attempting to do so. Looking for success in direct selling? These traits for Successful Direct Selling are absolutely necessary! 

this might be due to the skills a leader needs vary depending on the situation in which he or she seeks to gain leadership status. Leading a Wall Street bank differs from leading a platoon in battle. For a turnaround situation to be successful, a different set of knowledge, skills, and actions are required than for a founder taking their ideas from inception to launch. nobody is capable of defining “leadership” as it pertains to direct selling. 

“Traits” can be defined as a distinctive quality or characteristic of one’s character. Traits are what distinguish one from others.

The most qualified person in terms of knowledge, experience, and skills does not always succeed as a leader. This has been proven repeatedly in business, civic, military, and academic environments. it is because they lack one of more of the following traits:

1. Empathy:

All of our Distributors and Consultants are volunteers and are inspired by successful direct selling leaders to exceed their own expectations. It is true that they like, even love these products as customers, but because they were inspired, they decided to become salespeople and business builders.

You need to be able to empathize with your audience to inspire them successfully and long-term. Leaders need to make their followers feel that they are understood, that they are appreciated, and that the leader will help them improve in some way. Empathy cannot be faked over the long haul; one either has an empathetic personality in good and bad times, or one doesn’t . This is when a leader’s credibility will be diminished the most when they lack true empathy when they need it the most.

2. Kindness

Empathy allows you to truly understand what it is like to be that person; kindness is a manifestation of that understanding. Being kind is a sign of strength, not weakness, and comes from empathy. My experience is that direct sales leaders who are kind and courteous to everyone are the most successful and enduring.

3. Candor/ Transparency:

The most successful direct selling leaders instinctively understand the importance of candor and transparency in their communications with their employees and prospects. When you embrace candor, you admit your mistakes and you do not try to blame others when things go wrong. The people you want to lead must be able to rely on what you say. It is important for you to give credit where credit is due to subordinates, and you are transparent when discussing challenges and opportunities.

4. Belief:

As leaders, we want our followers to believe in us. However, it is often surprising to find that our followers have a greater desire to believe in us than we do. In order to succeed, the person in charge must believe that she or he can accomplish everything that needs to be done with the team at hand. It is crucial that the leader believes that he/she has the right team members. If the leader does not believe that he/she has the best players, then quick changes must be made to find the right players. The volunteer sales force must believe in the leader in order for direct sales to succeed. A leader who doesn’t exhibit empathy, kindness, and candor will not be able to maintain that belief.

5. Persistence:

If you want your followers to believe you will never give up on them or the goal you are working toward together, you must be a great leader. Leaders must abandon what does not work and concentrate on what does, while remaining confident in their ultimate success. Having open confidence in your team, the direction, and your goals is a necessary trait in direct sales leadership.

Many will disagree, to a greater or lesser degree, with my list of essential leadership characteristics. Other attributes can also be very important, depending on the situation. The knowledge of a product, the understanding of market forces, the ability to manage finances, and good communication skills are all valuable, even critical. But I am not talking about skills.; The personality traits of those who are being led will determine how these skills are demonstrated to them.

My career spanning five decades has afforded me the privilege of knowing, working with, and observing some remarkable leaders in direct selling. Although they are and were a diverse group of people with widely varying skill sets and styles, they all displayed the traits listed above consistently.