5 Pillars of A Successful Marketing Strategy


A marketing strategy is a plan for achieving your goals. This plan will include tactics, which are the specific actions you will take to achieve those goals. The pillars of this strategy are designed to help you focus on the most important areas of your business, with the understanding that these pillars can be adjusted as needed. Here are the 5 most essential pillars of any marketing strategy that must be implemented to devise an efficient marketing plan.

5 Pillars of Marketing Strategy.

1. Understand Your Market

To be successful, you need to understand your market.

You can’t know what you’re doing if it’s not clear who you’re doing it for and why they should care. As a marketer, this means understanding:

Who are the people in your target audience? What do they want? What do they dislike? How can we help them (or at least, provide value)?

How does our business fit into this larger ecosystem of opportunities and threats that exists within its environment? What is our role in bringing value where there may be none or only small amounts of opportunity available elsewhere; how does this fit with other businesses’ goals; which ones compete with us directly or indirectly through third parties who might benefit from some combination of our products/services but don’t have direct contact with them yet.

2. Set Strategic Goals

Shot of a young businesswoman writing on a glass wall in an office

Setting goals is one of the most important steps in your marketing strategy. Without goals, you will not know where to start to where you’re going in your business. It is essentially important to set goals before starting any of your marketing operations.

There are primarily two ways to set strategic goals.

  • Define clear objectives with measurable results and timelines for achieving those objectives (i.e “we want our brand to be #1 on Google by November”)
  • Create long-term vision that you can incorporate multiple channels and touch points into one unified message. For example, “Our goal is to grow our business so we can hire more people and help them succeed in their careers.”

Setting such goals can enable you to run your marketing strategies more efficiently. When you have elaborate goals set in place, it will also prevent you for investing your time into activities and strategies that don’t hold much value.

3. Understand Your Customers

The first step in creating a marketing strategy is to understand the customers. Your customers are the most essential aspect that drives your company to succeed. Hence understanding their perspective and their mindset is imperative when you are trying to gain their attention. You can do this through customer research, which involves asking questions and getting feedback from potential and existing customers. Customer segmentation is also important because it allows you to identify groups of people with similar needs or problems who have similar needs and problems as yours. Therefore, such people might more likely to purchase your product or service

Customer profiling helps you understand how different types of customers behave differently when it comes down to buying things online; for example, men tend not only want more information about products before making purchases but also want them immediately after making them so they can research other options at home instead of wasting time onsite waiting rooms while waiting.

4. Broaden Your Reach and Grow Your Business

There are various ways you can increase your business and reach a wider audience. Social media is a great way to grow your business, but it can also help reach new customers. If you have a blog or website, share content on Facebook and other platforms so that people can learn about what you offer and how they can benefit from it. You can also use email marketing to reach existing customers. Email marketing is an effective way to staying in touch with existing clients – and even if they haven’t bought anything from you recently, it’s still worth sending them periodic reminders about products or services that may interest them again soon.

You can also create content for education your audience members about the value of what they’re buying from you; this will help build trust between both parties by showing them how much work goes into creating each product/service before giving away any information about ingredients used during production processes.

5. Learn as you Go and Adapt as Needed

As you go, and as your business grows, it’s important to keep learning. You will make mistakes along the way – this is normal! But what matters most is how quickly you can adapt when those mistakes happen. You might find that one marketing strategy doesn’t work for all of your customers; or perhaps it did work at one point but now isn’t so effective anymore due to changing consumer preferences or industry standards (like new technology). If this happens, don’t panic. There are many ways of adapting your marketing strategy in order to reach those who are still interested in buying from you. Today, in the era of digital marketing being the go-to for every business, there are a plethora of resources that can help you improve your marketing efforts. All you have to do is develop the willingnness to learn.

These conclude the 5 most crucial pillars of any marketing strategy. Every business has specific marketing needs and marketing strategies are not a one-size-fits-all concept. However, these 5 pillars of marketing strategies are necessary to implement if you want to increase the reach of your business and succeed.